How do we claim deduction u/s 80CCA (Int from Saving Bank A/c), if an individual also have business and his Income from Other Sources (incl. Int from Saving A/c and other Interest Income) is completely setting off against Loss from Business. Ques: At the first place, Can we set off Int from Saving A/c against Loss from Business? If yes, then how to claim ded u/s 80TTA? If No, then can we just set off remaining income from Other Sources against Loss from Business (leaving Int from Saving a/c) and then can we at least claim ded u/s 80TTA? Could you please clarify at earliest.
05 August 2013
In my view, you can adjust the business losses against income available under the other head of income (Except Salary Income) and can do your best to claim 80TTA deduction if the income remains alive (means not being set off) till the computation of total income.
05 August 2013
Thanks for your quick reply sir, but if the business loss (say -15,000) is already greater than Total Income from Other Soureces (Saving Bank Int = 4500 + Other Interest Income = 4000), then it would be anyways set off totally. In such case, (a) should I just set off only Other Interest Income of 4000 and keep Saving A/c Interst of 4,500 as Other Source Income and then claim 80TTA Deduction or (b) set off totally and do not claim any deduction u/s 80TTA.