Buy back of equity shares

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12 September 2013 My client have a pvt ltd company now he want to reduce his share capital by offering buy back of shares from its share holder, my question is how can we determine the price for buy back of pvt ltd co's share. should we buy back at book value?

29 September 2013 Hi

Briefly a company resorting to the buy back may have surplus cash, and it may not have found the right avenue to invest such surplus cash, during such period of dilemma the company may decide to return the surplus cash by buying back its shares, with a hope that at a later time when the company brings on an expansion the investors do not loose their faith in the company. Secondly the company might as well think of buying its shares with a view to increase the value of the shares which after the process of buy back still remain in the market. For after the shares are bought back the number of marketable shares become less and thus the prices increase. Thirdly, at times there is a slump in the share market due to no fault of the company. Though the slouch may be temporary but may have continued far too long .The management then may decide to give value to the shareholders and buy back there shares at a price higher than the market price. This is generally done to instill faith in the minds of the shareholders. Saving a company from hostile take-over has always been seen as a major force behind bringing about this amendment, the company may use the surplus cash available in buying back its shares and bringing the number of floating shares down, resulting in the suitor not finding it a worthy investment or a profitable acquisition. These could be certain reasons why a company may resort to buy back of its shares.

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