Dear Sir,
I'm working in Pvt Ltd company located in Mumbai. we are looking to renting out Business Centers in 7-8 key cities across the country.
In most of the cities we will rent out 1 or 2 desks where our Sales representative will sit.
Please note that all our services (Research, Fund accounting, Servicing, Payroll processing etc.) are centralized from Mumbai.
The Business Center will only be used for a Salesperson who is based in that city & will have to use it as office space when he isn’t meeting clients.
Given this background,
1. Do we need to register these single desks hired space for the purpose of GST?
2. Also do we need to register under Profession Tax Authority of respective states?
I have lost my original PAN Card. What is/are the procedures to get another PAN card from the Income Tax Department ? I want to apply offline / physically through NSDL - TIN Facilitation Centres. Please help.
Best regards
will company put the gratuity and PF amount in Form 16 when they give it after retirement?
if yes then how it will be excluded from income tax.
While considering the value of Raw materials for valuation in Both Balance sheet and Profit and Loss a/c, should we considered absorbing the Freight inward in the av rate of inventory.
This freight inward has been already shown in Direct expenses as freight charges should it be considered in av rate of inventory also?
This doubt arose because conceptually thinking even though we need all cost of procuring the asset in the cost of goods sold, it's effect has been already happened in the corresponding period in which the raw material is bought right?
Hi sir Please provide LAW Firm Business objects For LLP Agreement
Trust registered under 10AC as per finance act 2020 is for which permission is granted up to A.Y.2024-2025 being registered provisionally which is again required for re registration.
How to book payment or receipt entry of credit card in the case of proprietorship business,
Like day to day as maintained in the case of bank or any other method.
because some day only payment below Re.1.
Mr X sold his house for 40 lakhs
after indexation (long term) he got 26 lakhs as capital gain
he wants to invest in new house
New house value 60 lakhs
bank agreed to give loan 48 lakhs and he will use 12 lakhs from capital gain amount
is he now eligible for Section 54 deduction in capital gain because he is using 12 lakhs only out of his gain 26 lakhs???
Please help with DCCO extension guildelines with COVID extension with examples
Query for GST Reg.