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What is Enterprise resource planning?
Explain in details plz.
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please provide me some website relating to information technology which help me in my CA Final Study and also provide some practical knoldge.
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Mr. X was already a director in one pvt. ltd. company and he was having DIN also.A new company is formed & while filling form 32 he was appointed as director of the company. Now while filling annual return of the that new company DIN of that director is showing as invalid. So now what should be the further procedure to make it valid. Note: it is not a case of digital signature. Pls advice.
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Can i know how to carry forward the balances in balance sheet for f.y.2009-10 to f.y. 2010-11 in tally in all the versions.
Thanks for all the experts!!
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Diffrence between tally erp 9 & sap erp software
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Please tell me where i have to deposit my Itt certicate,i had completed my traing from icai noida. Are there any requirement from the icai's side like attestation etc before depositing?
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This Query has 1 replies
I wish to find the “A1006” from below and cerate separate column
Cash paid to code no A1006 on 31-05-10 as per VN 05/31-05-10.
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I was a PE2 student and have recently enrolled for ITT training course starting from this july.After which I found that 3 months of articleship is required to be eligible for it. I have paid for the course so what should I do?
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Dear Experts,
Can any one explain me the difference between free panes and split in MS-Excel?
In my view both does the same function.
With regards,