Siva Reddy
28 October 2016 at 19:43

vat and cot

hello sir / madam. please advice me any one can we get vat and cot registration for one organization.

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Sanjeev Kumar Minhas
28 October 2016 at 11:22

Dvat Return date extended or not?

Dvat Return date extended or not?

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Sarthak Kumar Dash
24 October 2016 at 12:25

remedy for non billed purchases frnd wants to set an online grocery business...but there are so many vendors who don't give bills to save tax on that items...but he wants to do business with a proper he wants bill...& if d vendors give him bill..the rate of products when it comes to customer they prefer to buy non billed one as it z what z d treatment for ds...I mean how my frnd get both bills & customers in most cost effective way...pls reply sir

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Ajit Singh
17 October 2016 at 15:48

Cash discount before vat or after vat

Dear Sir,
Kindly suggest on this.
we have Given cash discount as per this example.
Total Price - 100
Trade Discount(10%) - 10(Now value became 90(100-10)
Cash Discount(2%) - 1.80 (Now value became 88.20(90-1.80)
Vat Applied 15% - 13.23 (Now Value Became 101.43(88.20+13.23)

Is it better way for accounting or vat will be apply before reduction of cash discount????

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07 October 2016 at 16:40

MVAT return text file

I have query regarding text file creation in new MVAT return template. In my case return is prepared successfully and massage appears as "text file created on your desktop" .....but no such file is visible on desktop. Can any one tell me what is the main issue and how to resolve it.. Thanks in advance

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07 October 2016 at 16:29

Bill queries

Can 2 tax Rates i.e 12.5% and 5% charged on a same bill..????
Also The credit for the Amount can be Taken..????

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07 October 2016 at 15:25

Death of partner

A partnership firm has 2 partners with A and B as partners. A died on 26/08/16.
How do i file the vat return for second quarter of 2016-17?
What about the transaction after the death ?how do I file the return for the period after death?
What procedure is to be followed ?

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27 September 2016 at 10:14

vat audit

kindly guide me steps of conducting mvat audit and for of fat working.

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Masoom Jain
26 September 2016 at 19:22

Up vat

Can anyone please explain me what is UP VAT @ 2% after considering VAT @ 12.5% under UP Commercial Taxes?

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26 September 2016 at 13:34

Vat rate on mobile & accessories

Dear Sir,
Please give the information of vat rate for mobile accesories which is applicable from 17th september specially

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