could anyone please suggest me tips for upcoming ipcc exams in nov2013...!!??
Ca-Ipcc may 2014- new company Act will be applicable
i hav clr ipcc g1 in may 2011after registration of articles i cleared gr2 also in later attempt.i am having ca final in nov 2014 till now i did't register ca final tell what is the last date Please reply to
is new company bill applicable for May, 14?
Hello..what are the tips for studying group2 as my exam are after 45 days n i havent yet started group2 preparation..what would be the best way to start with and plz suggest some valuable tips too!!!
hello considering the articleship periods for ca 3years cwa 3years-after latest notification cs 15months.... How can one finish all of them simultaneously?? Dummy articles for any 2 of them?? How is it possible???????????????? please explain.. Thanks in advance.. :-) :-)
Can anyone tell me the fees of both the modules of C.S executive?
how to prepared to cpt exam with in 2 months n what is the most important part of q.a for c.p.t
Company bill 2013