If goods are destroyed in factory/outside the factory then Excise duty will be payable or not? If goods are not in condition to sell and sold as a scrap then excise duty will be payable or not?
M/s XYZ is manufacturing company of iron ore and they purchase coal for heating purpose. Now XYZ ltd. sold rejected coal from its factory whether they are liable to excise duty?????
Answer nowwe are purchasing scrap from 100% EOU company, they are charging the following duties in their invoice, 1)5% on CD50% of BCD, 2)CVD 12%, 3)Edu cess on CD 3%, 4)Cenvat12% and ED and HEC for cenvat. above 4 items what are they eligible for take vat credit? pls advice
Answer nowI want to konw that following process is manufacturing process Or not & this is attract excise duty liability if turnover crosses the thresold limit
Purchase waste & Scarp of Cables & wires & Transformer & segrecate the material & sell as copper scrap,alluminum scrap,ms scrap,pvc scrap,& chapter heading is also change for cable scrap,transformer scrap & copper scrap,alluminum scrap,pvc scrap,ms scrap,can we asay that this is the manufacturing process
A good day to all of you. Requesting you to please resolve my query. Thanks in advanse to all of you.
Situation is like that
Our Co. say X manufactures furniture, which is excisable. We are paying excise duty on removal of goods from factory.
Let we purchase some furniture from co. A and directly delivered it to premises of other co. B. We raise purchase order in the name of co. A , and made Goods Receipt Note after delivery at Co. B. We never bought the material at our factory premise ie co. X. We take payment from co. B and pay to Co. A. My query is what document to be given to Co. B from Co. X. Is it excise invoice or commercial invoice. WilI we have to charge excise duty from Co. B. Please advise me?
We have import a machinery and the service tax is charged by the clearing agent against his services, can we take the credit of service tax against excise duty.
Can we also take the credit of service tax on processing fees charge by bank against Cash credit limit and term loan.
HI Experts,
I would like to know all taxes include in one scenario.
suppose a company purchasing raw material
it include taxes like "Excese,Service,TDS,vat
how will we calculate???
what will be the accpunting entries??
the same scenario for SALES also explain me
Plz. help
How is treated goods returned into the factory?
Dear Sirs, We have manufacuturing unit at Daman(UT) and have been providing Immovable Assets on Rent Service and are collecting & paying service tax. Also, we have been paying Service Tax of GTA-Outward/Inward on Transporter behalf as service receiver. For these we have been not getting Cenvat Credit. But, for the Importing material-clearing agency service paid and bringing material of purchase for manufacture service tax have been paying & availing Cenvat Credit. So, I wanted to know weather is there any changes in this procedure or still the same? Please help and guide me, as I am new for EXCISE and SERVICE TAX/Cenvat. Thanks in advance. Regards, Abdulrahim
Answer nowWhat is binding nature of trade advices and trade notices issued by chief CCE or CCE?
Answer now
Duty liability and rule 21