How shld b provision for taxes b treated in cash flow statement?
What r important points to b kep in mind while preparing cash flow statement?
Why is rserve added in operatin activities in cash flow statement?
While preparing cash flow statement in last year balance sheet proposed dividend is 100000 & in current years it is 200000,
then what shld we do in such a case?
I mean wat & where shld we do add & less also With reason y so?
I am using Tally 9.3
Up to the last financial year i had maintained inventory in tally. But for the current financial year i am not maintaining inventory in tally. now for the finalisation purpose, i need to update the stock value in the tally. How can i do this??????
Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is the proportion in which preoperative expenses to be charged to different assts once the operation starts ??????????
Dear Experts,
our company have purchased some pan drive for out office staff for their official working.
Is this is part of printing & Stationery or not. Total 5 pan drive purchased cost of Rs.2000/- please advice what would be proper exp head.
What is less & what all is added in operating activiies in cash flow statement?
Is purchase of foxed assets deducted & sale of fixed assets added in cash flow statement in investing activities?
If yes then why?
Excel Mastery Program
creditors meaning