30 January 2009 at 14:49

capital reserve vs capital profit

can anybody explain the difference among capital receipts,capital profit and capital reserve

kaushal patel
30 January 2009 at 09:50

Livestock Valuation

If a cow(Which is in my books) gives birth to calf then how will calf be valued in the books of account and what will be effect in income tax.

plz reply in context of AS or any Act.


30 January 2009 at 09:28

Under which head

1) Under which head can i book the Preservative - Vinegar purchased which i used from GHERKIN Export?

2) Also Carton / film purchased

3) Color Label purchased

sachin sharma
29 January 2009 at 23:41

query related to for and ex

what is the difference between for and ex in the purchase and sale invoice? plz

sachin sharma
29 January 2009 at 23:39

query related to for and ex

what is the difference between for and ex in the purchase and sale invoice? plz

sachin sharma
29 January 2009 at 23:36

query related to for and ex

what is the difference between for and ex in the purchase and sale invoice? plz

29 January 2009 at 16:58


How many IFRS are applicable for CA Final New course May,2010 exam view.

29 January 2009 at 16:13

Heads of Fixed Assets


Air condition and UPS is shown under which head of assets .

As i know that UPS is not consider as fixed assets but i have a UPA valued Rs.1.5 lac.

29 January 2009 at 15:14

Method of Depreciation


Please guide me weather depreciation is charge in a company on the basis of income tax act or companies act. which system do the accountant follow.

29 January 2009 at 15:13

Deprication charge


Please guide me weather depreciation is charge in a company on the basis of income tax act or companies act. which system do the accountant follow.