Auditing and assurance exam may 2013

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30 September 2013 I got 41 marks in audit in may 2013. Although I had done the paper very good.
I applied for certified copies and recieved them too. But when I matched my answers with suggested answers issued by icai I was disappointed because in some ques I have written 100% correct answer according to suggested answers but still I m not awarded proper marks. Is there any solution to this problem. Can my marks increase by filling any RTI or some other procedure.
Please help..waiting for an early response.

30 September 2013 Niharika these issues have raised many times by students but unfortunately there is no solution.If you look at the suggested answers institute has clearly mentioned that it has nothing to do with marks awarded.Any such act will only waste your time.Do your best in the upcoming attempt.All the best

08 October 2013 Thanks ma'am

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