12 February 2010
M cross check the Bank statement & Visual sofware accounting Bank book but Bank kook balance will not match with bank book. then what can i do.
12 February 2010
Certain Points to bechecked while doing Bank Reco >
1. Check the amount of Interest paid by bank and not included in the books. 2. Check the amount of charges in bank statement and not debited in books. 3. Cheques issued by the Co. and entered in books but not yet cleared from the bank. 4. Cheques deposited in the bank but not enetered in the books as recipts. 5. Direct payment made by bank by ECS or standing instructions and not yet enetered in books. 6. Direct deposit in bank like dividends etc. and not yet included in books. 7. Verify that cash send to bank for deposit is included in the same period as included in the books. There should not be any cash in transit.