04 December 2007
Sir, How a final student becomes a member CA after the completion of Final exams and GMCS
a) if there is a provision that this time only 300(suppose) can be qualified as CA; then the students in the top 300 in ranks will only become CA; rest have to give final next time(even though they have secured marks more than pass marks) b) Or, those who clear the final exams and gmcs can apply for membership.
04 December 2007
If you consider old syllabus then on passing of examination, completion of articleship and completion of GMCS you get membership number. If you consider new syllabus then on completion of GMCS and articleship you appear and have to pass. Then you get membership number. There is no target as ICAI has already its high standards and there can never be 100% Results.
There is a minimum pass marks which you need to attain for passing. The same rule applies for all professional and acedemic courses unlike MBA.
Only in MBA, there are cut off. Its our personal belief thAt since I was not within the cut off i could not clear my exams. The only reason for not clearing the CA Final exams is lack of adequate preparation.
All the best Sushant for your exams. Give in your best short.