The MCA has issued the Companies (Auditor's Report) Order, 2020 (CARO 2020), on 25th February 2020. This order has been issued in supersession of the Companies (Auditor's Report) Order, 2016
Ind AS conversion is a strategic issue. The board of directors and management need to explain to the stakeholders on changes and impact arising from the Ind AS ..
ApplicabilityThe MCA on March 30, 2016 notified the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) (Amendment) Rules, 2016, which includes a road map for implementatio..
Ind AS Implementation has very wide impact on the organization so companies should assess carefully impact on growth, strategies, joint ventures and tax planning.
"The more you learn, you learn that you still have lot to learn� Did you know? Before Companies Act 2013, only listed company was required to do Consolidation. AS 21 says that if a company is required to do consolidation then consolidation
What are Auditing Standards?The Standards on Auditing is an area which requires greater focus of CA in practice as well as our administrative bodies who are updating our members. The Companies Act 2013 has discussed it in detail which was absent in e
In today's world Chartered Accountants find the easy way out to grab a job in industry with good package and ensure a secured future. The appetites to take risk of CA�s have gone down tremendously in recent past. The ratio of CA in practi