A slump sale is mainly affected by the way of Business Transfer Agreement ("BTA"). BTA's are typically subject to negotiations.
MCA UPDATE:MCA has issued Director (Appointment & Qualification) 3rd Amendment Rules, 2019.Provisions of the Law:1. WEB Service- DIR-3 KYC:Web based e-form
Points to be noted:1. Nil amount of return is not required to be filed as clarified by ICSI in it�s webinar dated 17th June 2019.2. Audited financia
1. Q Q. Where are the guidelines pertaining to overseas direct investments available and how to get clarifications pertaining to the guidelines on ..
External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) and Trade Credits (Updated as on May 29, 2019) PART I - EXTERNAL COMMERCIAL
ProcedureWhat, if a Company have filed with ROC any E-Form with wrong particulars and the same gets approved? How to can..
NFRA National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) Rules, 2018 notified by MCA The Central Government hereby makes these R..
What is Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises? MSME is classified under two categories.