He has been virtual tutor and consultant of CIAT since 2008, participating in different modules. He is a professor of university degree and postgraduate and exhibitor in Tax Administration and Taxation. He has a Master´s Degree in Public Finance and Financial and Tax Administration, Tax Administration Specialization (UNED, IEF SPAIN).He has a Certified Public Accountant and a Business Administration graduate, and has an specialization in Taxation. He has been an AFIP official since 1990, and currently works as Chief of Review and Resources. He is author of 8 Books and more than 180 publications tributary issues. He also has participated in numerous courses, including Tax Institutions and Techniques Course (Madrid), IEF International Taxation Course, International Tax Law (Barcelona), CIAT Transfer Prices Course 2016, Collection and Collection Seminar -Cartagena de Indias - CIAT, Symposium Tax Reform - Chile - Padrón Analysis Analysis San Cruz de la Sierra - CIAT, Prices Transfer Seminar CIAT (Montevideo) He has been consultor of the International Monetary Fund and TADAT Trained. He also has research about taxpayers rights and he is working on the applications of new technologies of the tax administration and its implications.