Retrospective restoration of membership under General Amnesty Scheme 2015

Last updated: 06 January 2015




With a view to mitigate the hardships being faced by members whose names stand removed as on date due to non-payment of membership fee, the Council has decided to give an opportunity by way of General Amnesty Scheme one time dispensation for restoration of their names retrospectively.

Continuation of membership entitles a member to designate himself as ‘CA’ and also other benefits of monthly Journal of the Institute , Newsletters of Regional Councils & Branches of the Institute participation in the conferences, seminars and other programmes organized by the Institute, Regional Councils and/or Branches; regular update on programs being organized and initiatives taken for the benefit of the profession and members; emerging professional opportunities, practice area development, publications of the Institute etc.

This is an excellent opportunity to get name restored with retrospective effect. The benefit of the scheme may be availed by submitting the prescribed application in Form 9 on or before 31st March, 2015 alongwith the outstanding fee for the intervening period of name removal and restoration fee of Rs. 1200/-.

Details of General Amnesty Scheme are given below:-

(i) Retrospective restoration of membership under General Amnesty Scheme;

Category I: The names of the members whose names are removed prior to 31st March 2014 on account of non payment of fees and not restored as on date may apply for retrospective restoration of their names under General Amnesty Scheme by filling Form 9 along with the membership fees for the year during which the name was removed and for the current year together with the fee(s) for the intervening years and the additional fee of Rs.1200/- towards restoration. To avail benefits of General Amnesty Scheme, members should submit the requisite fees and Form ‘9’ latest by 31st March 2015.

Detailed information has been enclosed herewith

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