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MCA appeals to Corporate India to supplement Govt. efforts amid the 2nd wave of COVID-19

Last updated: 24 April 2021

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has requested Corporate India to supplement Government efforts in fulfilling the rising hospitalization needs amid the 2nd wave of COVID-19 by considering to convert their vacant office buildings to temporary COVID Care facilities with either isolation beds or a combination of isolation and oxygen beds. Read the appeal letter below:

Government of India
Ministry of Corporate Affairs
New Delhi
22nd April 2021

D.O.No. CSR-10/9/2020-CSR-MCA


Dear Friends, 

At the outset I would like to thank the Corporate India for extending their wholehearted support in combating COVID-19. Your contribution towards this cause has been supplementing the efforts of the Government. However, this second COVID surge requires more coordinated and focused approach so as to provide immediate relief to the people of the country. 

2. The current COVID 19 situation in India is worrisome, with active cases rapidly increasing and a large number of new cases being reported daily. In view of the rapidly rising cases, the existing bed capacity needs to be ramped up significantly. Various Central Ministries/ Departments/ PSUs have dedicated COVID hospitals and COVID beds since the beginning of this pandemic and have also committed to continue doing so. I would like to draw your attention to the excellent initiatives taken by DRDO and CISR in setting up temporary COVID Care facilities and makeshift hospitals. Taking this initiative further, this Ministry has issued a clarification vide General Circular No. 05/ 2021 dated 22nd April. 2021, wherein it has been clarified that spending for 'setting up COVID Care facilities and makeshift hospitals' is an eligible CSR activity. 

3. On the similar lines, you may like to utilize the CSR funds to set up makeshift hospitals and temporary COVID Care facilities in consultation with the States. Further, in view of the ongoing work-from-home mode of working, you may have some vacant buildings at your disposal. You may like to consider converting these vacant office buildings to temporary COVID Care facilities with either isolation beds or a combination of isolation and oxygen beds to cater to rapidly increasing COVID caseload in many parts of the country, some of which may lie in your vicinity. 

MCA appeals to Corporate India to supplement Govt. efforts amid the 2nd wave of COVID-19

4. As you are the leader of a highly successful Company, I would like to appeal to your Company to come forward and supplement Government efforts in fulfilling the rising hospitalization needs in view of the second COVID surge. 

Your prompt and targeted efforts will certainly help in providing the much needed relief to the citizens during this difficult time. 5. l am quite hopeful that with our resolve to work together we would be able to tackle this unprecedented crisis in an efficient manner. 

With warm regards, 
Yours sincerely. 

(Rajesh Venna) 
Ministry of Corporate Affairs 

To: Chairman/ CMD/ MD/ CEO 
(As per list enclosed) 

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