Mandatory Training For all Members of ICAI under Continuing Education Programme

Last updated: 05 June 2012



Modification to Existing Scheme

To meet the requirement of professional skills in the current changing dynamic economic scenario, Cost Accountants in practice and service (members of ICAI) should equip themselves with the new skills and concepts to meet the challenges and render yeomen’s services to trade, commerce and industry. Therefore, the existing scheme for mandatory training to the members in practice and service under Continuing Education Programme (CEP) has been revised. The basic features of the revised scheme are:

For Members in Practice

(i)  The member should undergo minimum mandatory training of 10 hours per year w.e.f. 2009-10.(1st April to 31st March every year)

(ii) The certificate of attendance for training will have to be enclosed with the application for renewal of Certificate of Practice.

For Members in Service

(iii)  The member should undergo minimum mandatory training of 6 hours per year w.e.f. 2011-12.  (1st April to 31st March every year)

(iv)   The certificate of attendance for training will have to be enclosed with the application for renewal of membership.

The attendance of members in National Cost Convention, Regional Cost Convention, Seminars/Workshops conducted by the Institute/Regional Councils/Chapters (both paid/unpaid programme) will be reckoned against the requirement of mandatory training period under this scheme. 

The requirement specified above will not apply to a member who has attained the age of 65 years.

The basis of computation of programme credit hours will be as follows:-

Hours of Training Programme attended by the members 

Programme Credit (Hours)

Less than 1 hour 


I hour and more and upto 2 hours 


More than 2 hours and upto 4 hours in a single day 


Beyond 4 hours in a single day 


Programmes for more than 1 day and upto 2 days


Programme spanning beyond 2 days


For this purpose, the participation of members in the following programmes/courses/ publications shall also be recognized:

1. Courses of the Universities recognised by the UGC/ AICTE approved Institutions

• The members who have successfully completed any post graduate course related to commerce, economics and taxation of the UGC recognized University/ AICTE approved Institution will be awarded CEP credit of 5 hrs. for each semester based on submission of the pass certificate.

2. Service as a Speaker or Discussion Leader

• Service as a lecturer or teacher in a program or seminar offered by business, professional associations and college or university professional education centres may be counted for continuing education credit as follows:

(1)  Continuing education hours equal to twice the number of hours of presentation will be granted the first time the program is offered.

(2)  Credit will not be granted for subsequent offerings unless significant additional preparation is necessary. For such repeat offerings credit will be granted only for the actual hours of presentation and only once each year.

The CEP credit will be given to the member only after getting the authenticated  proof in this regard.

3.  Service as a college faculty of approved Universities/Faculty of AICTE approved Institution/ ICAI Faculty

College courses or ICAI Course earn 3 CEP credits for each paper taught in a semester or stage.

4.  Technical Materials Submitted for Publication

Technical articles, monographs, or books published are eligible for continuing education credit subject to they are in an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)/ International Standard Book Number (ISBN) Published articles containing technical accounting and financial management material can earn a maximum of six hours each. Books and monographs can earn a maximum of 20 hours each  only for the first time of publication. Subsequent publication of the same title will not be given CEP Hrs. unless there is a vast change in the new publication. The Institute will assign specific CEP hrs. on receipt of a copy of the publication.

5.   a)  The members who are holding General manager or equivalent and above position working in an organization with turnover of Rs.500 crores and also investment of more than Rs.100 crores in fixed assets will be exempt from CEP requirement.

b)   The training imparted to their employees, having turnover of Rs.100 crores or above per annum, in their in-house training Institute are to be considered for calculation CEP hours subject to :

i) The training programme should be on the subject relating to  costing/accounts/finance/taxation/project finance/treasury management.

ii) The organization shall submit their calendar of programme to the Institute.

iii) The organization shall submit list of Institute members with their name & membership number,  details of programme attended & duration to the Institute after programme is completed.

iv)  Certificate of attendance of the programme shall be given to their employee with his membership  number.

c)  The organization having turnover of Rs.100 crores or above, which nominates their employees  for outside training programme from reputed Institutions on the subject mentioned Sl. No. 5(b)(i) shall also be considered for CEP hours provided they produce the certificate in this regard.  Reputed Institutes include IIM, IIT, National Productivity Council/State Productivity Councils and others as may be approved by the Council and against reciprocal arrangement with sister professional Institute i.e. ICSI

6.   Articles Published in Management Accountant

      A member whose article is published in ‘Management Accountant’ only will be eligible for CEP hours as follows:

(a) Two hrs. for up-to 2 pages

(b) Four hrs. for 3-5 pages

(c) Six hrs. for above 5 pages

7.    Members staying abroad can meet the CPE requirements by adopting any one or more of the following modus operandi:

(a) Attend CEP programmes organized by the CEP  Department of the Institute, Regional Councils and Chapters – (visit www.icwai.org)

(b) Attend CEP Programmes organized only by IFAC/CAPA/ SAFA Member Bodies abroad. For this members has to submit the following :

(i) Self certification letter by the members regarding the programme attended by them for approval of CEP Hrs.

(ii) Membership number and name as per Institute’s records.

(c) The members who reside outside India for a part of the year may be exempted from credit hours requirement for the same year on submission of valid documents in support of the same. 3

(d) Members staying abroad can meet the CEP requirements by attending the programmes organized by the Overseas centres of the Institute in addition to the programmes organized by the Institute and its Regions and Chapters.

8.  The members who are victimized by polio or accident or physically handicapped may be exempted from fulfilling the requirement of CEP hours on submission of valid documents in support of the same.

9.  The members who could not get credit of requisite CEP hours due to unavoidable circumstances may be granted relaxation to make up balance CEP credit hours requirement in the next year in addition to the normal requisite CEP credit hours for the year.

• A member who obtains membership in accordance with the MOU entered into between IMA,USA & The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI),  should obtain minimum mandatory training of 30 hours per year as per the guidelines of IMA,USA. 

• A member who obtains membership in accordance with the MOU entered into between IMA, USA & The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI) and is over 55 years of age and retired from the profession is exempt from the CEP requirements

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