Dear Professional Colleagues,
We are pleased to inform that the Draft Bank Branch Auditors Panel of Chartered Accountants/firms for the year 2017-18 has been prepared alongwith the category of the applicants. The Draft Panel contains the following:
1. MEF No.
2. FRN No./MRN No.
3.Concern Name
4.Unique Code No.
5. Pin Code
6. District
7. Category
8. Remarks
The applicants are able to view the reasons (wherever applicable) of their categorization in the Draft Panel itself. Still if there are any observations with the details given above, you may please log a complaint at MEF PDC Query/ Complaint Center
This is to further inform that the Draft Panel is available upto 7th December, 2017. You are requested to please lodge your complaint, if any, on or before the said date, thereafter, after finalisation, the panel will be sent to RBI.
For any other query/issue, please contact PDC Secretariat on 011-30110444 and 011-30110440.
With kind regards,
Professional Development Committee
Professional Development Committee
Click Here Bank Branch Auditors Panel for the Year 2017-18.
Click Here Applicants from whom Financial Documents are being called for