CS - Payment of Annual Member ship / Certificate of Practice fee for the year 2011-12

Last updated: 25 May 2011

Payment of Annual Member ship / Certificate of Practice fee for the year 2011-12



1 . Payment of Annual Membership fee/Certificate of Practice fee  

A s you are kindly aware that the Annual Member s hip fee/Certificate of Practice fee for the year 2011-12 became payable on 1 s t April, 2011.  The Annual Member ship fee and Certificate of Practice fee payable i s a s under:-  

(i) Associate Membership fee                  


(ii) Fellow Membership fee                       


(iii) Certificate of Practice fee                    

Rs.1,000/- (*) 


 (*)     The members holding Certificate of Practice may kindly send the declaration in Form-‘D’ duly completed  in all respects including details of credit hours secured and signed for renewal of Certificate of Practice.  Form-D and Guidelines for Compulsory Attendance of Professional Development Programmes for the Members are available on the web-site of the Institute (i.e. www.icsi.edu).   

The fee i s payable late s t by 30th June, 2011 unle s s the la s t date for payment i s extended.                               


2  Payment of fee in Advance  

The members, if they so desire, can pay advance fee in lump sum for three years .   The scheme for accepting the annual membership fee in advance is available on the website of the Institute and also published in  April &  May 2011 issues of the Chartered Secretary Journal.  

For any clarification / information, you may kindly contact  S/Shri O. P. Sharma, A s s i s tant Director or D. D. Garg, Desk Officer on  telephone No.011 - 45341047  or on Mobile No.9868128682 or write at e-mail s id s a s indicated below:-  


e-mail id

 Contact numbers

Annual membership fee




Renewal of Certificate of Practice





 In case of any difficulty, please contact Mrs. Meenakshi Gupta, Joint Director on telephone No.011-45341047 or on mobile No.9868770138 or write at e-mail Idmember@icsi.edu.   


Thanking you,  

Yours faithfully,  

(Meenakshi Gupta )
Joint Director    


Note :   In case you have already remitted the annual membership fee / certificate of  practice fee for 2011-12, may kindly ignore this e-mail and check your details of fee on the website of the Institute www.icsi.edu and discrepancy if any may please be intimated to us on the e-mail Ids indicated above.



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