CBEC invites Suggestions from the Industry and Trade Associations for Budget 2013-14 regarding changes in direct and indirect taxes

Last updated: 08 November 2012



Government of India

Ministry of Finance

Department of Revenue

Tax Research Unit


New Delhi, dated the 6th November, 2012


Trade and Industry Associations

Subject: Suggestions from the Industry and Trade Associations for Budget 2013-14 regarding changes in direct and indirect taxes.


In the context of formulating the proposals for the Union Budget of 2013-14, the Ministry of Finance would like to be benefited by the suggestions and views of your Association.  You may like to send your suggestions for changes in the duty structure, rates and broadening of tax base on both direct and indirect taxes giving economic justification for the same.

2.         Your suggestions and views may be supplemented and justified by relevant statistical information about production, prices, revenue implication of the changes suggested and any other information to support your proposal.  It would not be feasible to examine suggestions that are either not clearly explained or which are not supported by adequate justification/ statistics. Further, as regards direct taxes, the government policy is to phase out profit linked deductions and minimizes exemptions; you may take this into consideration while forwarding proposals. The Synopsis of your suggestions could be given in the following format:




3.         Your suggestions and views may be emailed, as word document in the form of separate attachments, in respect of, Indirect Taxes (1. Customs and Central Excise, 2. Service Tax) to budget-cbec@nic.in. and 3. Direct Tax to ustpl3@nic.in. Hard copies of the Pre-Budget proposals/ suggestions relating to Customs & Central Excise may be sent to Shri P. K. Mohanty, Joint Secretary (TRU-I), and Service Tax to Shri V K Garg, Joint Secretary (TRU-II), CBEC, while the suggestions relating to  Direct Taxes may be sent to Shri Sunil Gupta, Joint Secretary, Tax Policy and Legislation (TPL), CBDT . It would be appreciated if your views and suggestions reach us by the 23rd November, 2012.

Yours sincerely,

(Prashant Kumar Jha)

Budget Officer (TRU)

Room No.153, North Block

Tel/Fax: 011-23094819

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