Court :
ITAT, Pune
Brief :
The ITAT, Pune in M/s. Pushpak Steel Industries Pvt. Ltd. v. ACIT, Circle-10, Pune [ITA No. 301/PUN/2023 dated on May, 16, 2023] allowed the depreciation or other expenses on maintenance of the vehicles used by the director employees by treating it business expense of the company.
Citation :
ITA No. 301/PUN/2023 dated on May, 16, 2023
The ITAT, Pune in M/s. Pushpak Steel Industries Pvt. Ltd. v. ACIT, Circle-10, Pune [ITA No. 301/PUN/2023 dated on May, 16, 2023] allowed the depreciation or other expenses on maintenance of the vehicles used by the director employees by treating it business expense of the company.
M/s. Pushpak Steel Industries Pvt. Ltd. ("the Appellant/the Company") has2 vehicles which were used by the director employees. The Appellant claimed deduction of INR 10,88,998/- on these vehicles.
In absence of log records, the Assessing Officer ("the AO") made disallowance of 15% of total expenses totaling to INR 1,51,350/- which was duly affirmed by the Commissioner of Income Tax Appeal ("CIT (A)") vide an Order dated January 20, 2023 ("the Impugned Order").
Aggrieved by the decision of CIT(A), the Petitioner filed an appeal before the ITAT, Pune.
Whether the expenses incurred by the Appellant on vehicles provided to director employees are allowed as expense to the Appellant?
The ITAT, Pune in [ITA No. 301/PUN/2023] held as under: