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LAW Judgements

By this petition filed under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, 1950, the Petitioner is challenging notices dated 29th / 30th January, 2008, 17th October, 2008 and 14th May, 2009 by which the Respondent No. 2 purports to prohibit and/or restra

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By this Writ Petition filed under Articles 226 and 227 of the Constitution of India, the petitioner has impugned the order dated 19th January, 2021 passed by the learned Arbitrator dismissing the Application filed by the petitioner under Section 16 o

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This petition has been filed under article 226 of the Constitution of India, 1950, whereby Petitioner is challenging the order dated 12 February 2021 passed by the Respondent No. 2- Principal Commissioner of Income Tax, rejecting the revision petitio

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The moot issue, which arises for consideration, in the captioned writ petitions is: as to what should be the withholding rate of tax in respect of dividend?

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The Company Appeal (AT) (Ins.) No. 875 of 2019 relates to Liquidation Proceedings against Corporate Debtor M/s. Hind Motors India Limited. The Appellant is promoter and director of the said Company. It is stated that the Company was engaged in sale a

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By the present Application under Section 482 of the Criminal Procedure Code (for short, “Cr.P.C.”), the applicants/original accused have prayed for quashing and setting aside Criminal Case No.144/Misc/2001 (renumbered as 81/S/2003), pending on the fi

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Mr.J.Kumaran, learned Additional Government Pleader (Puducherry) accepts notice for the respondent and is armed with instructions to proceed with the matter. Hence, by consent of both sides, these Writ Petitions are disposed finally even at the stage

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Orissa   Manganese   &   Minerals   Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Corporate Debtor” or “OMML”) was engaged in the business of mining iron ore, graphite, manganese   ore   and   agglomerating   iron   fines   into   pellets through   its   faci

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In 2009, Corporate Power Ltd. [“the corporate debtor”] set up a thermal power project in Jharkhand, and for so doing, availed of loan facilities from various lenders, including the State Bank of India [“SBI”]. The account of the corporate debtor was

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Special Leave Petition (Criminal) No. 5464 of 2016 pertains to dishonour of two cheques on 27.01.2005 for an amount of Rs.1,70,000/-. The dispute has remained pending for the past 16 years. Concerned with the large number of cases filed under Section

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