Court :
Supreme Court of India
Brief :
The Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of High Court Bar Association, Allahabad v. State of Uttar Pradesh and Others [Criminal Appeal No. 3589 of 2023 dated February 29, 2024], held that the Hon'ble Apex Court, in the exercise of its jurisdiction under Article 142 of the Constitution of India, cannot order automatic vacation of all interim orders of the High Courts of staying proceedings of Civil and Criminal cases on the expiry of a certain period without passing a speaking order. It can also direct the High Courts to decide pending cases in which interim orders of stay of proceedings has been granted on a day-to-day basis and within a fixed period.
Citation :
Criminal Appeal No. 3589 of 2023 dated February 29, 2024
The Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of High Court Bar Association, Allahabad v. State of Uttar Pradesh and Others [Criminal Appeal No. 3589 of 2023 dated February 29, 2024], held that the Hon'ble Apex Court, in the exercise of its jurisdiction under Article 142 of the Constitution of India, cannot order automatic vacation of all interim orders of the High Courts of staying proceedings of Civil and Criminal cases on the expiry of a certain period without passing a speaking order. It can also direct the High Courts to decide pending cases in which interim orders of stay of proceedings has been granted on a day-to-day basis and within a fixed period.
In the case of Asian Resurfacing of Road Agency Private Limited and Anr. v. Central Bureau of Investigation [(2018) 16 SCC 299] ("Asian Resurfacing"), the Hon'ble Supreme Court had dealt with the scope of interference by the Hon'ble Allahabad High Court with an order of framing charge passed by the Special Judge under the provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 ("the PC Act"). The issue was whether an Order of framing charge was an Interlocutory Order. The Hon'ble Allahabad High Court held that an Order of framing charge under the PC Act was interlocutory.
A bench of two Hon'ble Judges of the Apex Court, by the Order dated September 09, 2013, referred the case to a larger Bench to consider the issue of whether the case of Mohan Lal Magan Lal Thacker v. State of Gujarat (AIR 1968 SC 733)was correctly decided. A Bench of three Hon'ble Judges held that the Order of framing charge was neither an interlocutory nor a final order. Therefore, it was held that the High Court has jurisdiction in appropriate cases to consider a challenge to an Order of framing charges. Furthermore, the High Court has jurisdiction to grant a stay of the trial proceedings. Thereafter, it proceeded to consider in which cases a stay of the proceedings ought to be granted. The Bench considered the question in the context of a criminal trial, particularly under the PC Act.
A Miscellaneous Application was filed in the decided case, in light of the Order passed on December 04, 2019 by the Ld. Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, Pune. When the Ld. Magistrate was called upon to proceed with the trial on the ground of automatic vacation of stay after the expiry of a period of six months, the Ld. Magistrate expressed a view that when the jurisdictional High Court had passed an order of stay, a Court subordinate to the High Court could not pass any order contrary to the order of stay.
By the Order dated October 15, 2020, the Supreme Court held that when the stay granted by the High Court automatically expires, unless an extension is granted for good reasons, the Trial Court, on expiry of a period of six months, must set a date for trial and go ahead with the same.
Later, an attempt was made to seek clarification of the law laid down in the case of Asian Resurfacing. The Apex Court, by the Order dated April 25, 2022, did not apply the direction issued in Asian Resurfacing to the facts of the case before it. An attempt was made to apply the directions to an order of stay on the order of the Ld. Single Judge of the High Court passed by a Division Bench in a Letters Patent Appeal.
In the Order dated December 01, 2023 ("Impugned Order"), a Bench of three Hon'ble Judges of the Apex Court expressed a view that a decision of the Apex Court in the case of Asian Resurfacing requires reconsideration by a larger Bench. Hence, the present appeal was filed before the Apex Court.
Whether the Hon'ble Apex Court can order automatic vacation of all interim orders of the High Courts of staying proceedings on the expiry of a certain period and direct the High Courts to decide pending cases in which interim orders of stay of proceedings has been granted on a day-to-day basis and within a fixed period?
The Hon'ble Apex Court in Criminal Appeal No. 3589 of 2023 held as under: