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Within 30 days I learned the definition of Articleship!

Page no : 8

Ankit (Student) (661 Points)
Replied 27 April 2014

not at all priya.. Not mocking abt english fiasco.. Bt ur english sometimes reminds of Ajay Jain Sir..

Ankit (Student) (661 Points)
Replied 27 April 2014

ya thts true gossip creats negative vibes.. Bt thats something depend on u.. Don't give others anychance so tht they can gossip abt u.. Infact what i feel is work in office as such tht people remember u due to ur work n dedication and nt just simply part of gossip..

Ankit (Student) (661 Points)
Replied 27 April 2014

ya thts true gossip creats negative vibes.. Bt thats something depend on u.. Don't give others anychance so tht they can gossip abt u.. Infact what i feel is work in office as such tht people remember u due to ur work n dedication and nt just simply part of gossip..

Ankit (Student) (661 Points)
Replied 27 April 2014

till date u r 4 months article na..?

Himanshu (finalist) (25 Points)
Replied 27 April 2014

my worst days..

Himanshu (finalist) (25 Points)
Replied 27 April 2014

let me share mine... i had very nice relations with ma boss... one fine day i met ma boss's friend who was my teacher ones.... and i told him that i am working under Mr.XYZ person... on hearing that he told me that my boss is psyco and was once insulted in front of CA commitie.. as of now before few days... i was being tortured by him every single minute to take transfer and was pressurised by him that he will fill my 109 form without asking me... and one fine day i called up ma dad in office and that pressure waa solved.. i was going to sucide cos of this pressure ... ma dad told everything that happend to me... but finally all dark clouds were shattered and sunlight appeared.. as of now every thing is ao normal and m still working with mentaly sick CA so... thats y we Indian CA are recognised compared to others.

Priya (student) (193 Points)
Replied 02 May 2014

@ Ankit

Bingo! Your words are flawless. That what matters the most is the quantum of knowledge one attain. The other trivial stuff like gossiping, if taken too seriously, leads to deteriorating the personality of an individual further.On a lighter note, sabhe articles apne kaam se kaam rakho :p

Yep, approximately 3.5 months by now :)

Priya (student) (193 Points)
Replied 02 May 2014

@ Himanshu

Goodness Gracious! Whats wrong with your Principal C.A??


Who exactly is he to misuse this authority of filling form 109?? With great power comes greater responsibility. But if a CA. is behaving in such a vehement manner, on baseless grounds, he is sure to lose his goodwill in the market soon.


Just because, an article is tied for 3 years under the Articleship, he cannot be taken for granted. For three whole years, articles are being paid stipend, not salary. The final examinations are always on stake. Althemore, an article is bound to attend the office daily (keeping aside dummy articleship cases). In the end, what does an article expect?? Atleast some amount of dignity to work in the office!! And if that is missing, its high time that the articles respond to this emergency situation, or else we'll fall further in their trap.


Hats off to you Himanshu! That you are still trying your best to cope up with the situation. As a matter of fact, you took the correct step in informing an elder about this or else such people in power, tend to harrass further.


The issue here is, not that the C.A.s are good or bad. The issue is about the proper dignified behaviour towards articles!!


All members of COC, are humbly requested to view such posts in a significant manner. Because, we all are aware of the ills of the corporate sector. The only problem is, we do not know how to respond properly.


P.S.- I'm not against C.A.s in any manner. I hold the profession and its members in high esteem. However, if any matter of harrasment of the articled students (abating him to a suicial situation) comes up, then we, as articles, shall surely stand against it, with a firm feat.

venkatesh (articles) (103 Points)
Replied 03 May 2014

@ priya:

However, if any matter of harrasment of the articled students (abating him to a suicial situation) comes up, then we, as articles, shall surely stand against it, with a firm feat."

I hope such a situation doesn't arise.

Is an ounce of dignity too much to ask? is asking for providing proper conditions and inputs to learn work , that much a problem?

Its high time the CA community, especially the one which is into practise, jettison their old and bad ways of treating their trainees and embrace a more humane and professional one.

Himanshu (finalist) (25 Points)
Replied 03 May 2014

u guys will be shocked to listen this stuff.. i met a CA before joining field .. and these are words of that CA himself.. "articles are meant to be exploited bcoz they may arise competition in future so we want to remain safe and give work to articles more so that they dont clear thier final atleast first attempt" and he added " my boss was also strict with me and i too faced this situation" so what lesson to take frm this convo.

Himanshu (finalist) (25 Points)
Replied 03 May 2014

@ priya.. ya ma boss has some family issues.. actually ma boss's elder bro died one day nefore CA exams.. as in Inter then.. and he is hardly getting appreciation from his family.. and one colleague working with me lives near by my boss's residence he added that there is always quarrel going on in his home... and uh knw what he literaly takes out his frustrations on me.. bloddy idiot its tough to bare him.. bit this is ma last year of internship till now m through out 1stattempt so m ignoring him as much as i can and if further he will try to pressurise me incase then m gonna go poluce to lodge a complain this is level pf madness i have to deal.. i j

Himanshu (finalist) (25 Points)
Replied 03 May 2014

of* i hate CA as a field just doing it for parents and gonna snatch that certi soon.. m waiting for a handsome package i dnt wanna appreciate that field and just doing it for sake of doing.. i preffer to appear for CAT instead than this worst thing.. m good in studies ao i knw i will get through next year ma final os gonna due.. so wish me good luck.. and ya to ma boss ... F

Priya (student) (193 Points)
Replied 05 May 2014

@ Venkatesh

I completetly agree on the point with you

Ankit (Student) (661 Points)
Replied 06 May 2014

exactly.. If gossips taken too seriously then it will harm u only.. So better leave such things.. N enjoy ur work.. Vo kehte hain na ek kaan se suno dusre se nikal do.. Simple.. N At the end of the day bus self satisfaction vali feeling aani chahiye ki haan aaj kuch value addition hua hai.. As it helps u to be a greedy person in terms of learning more n more work..

Ankit (Student) (661 Points)
Replied 06 May 2014

this is analysis of 3.5 months.. I m wondering what will be the scene after 3 years.. Surely a book will be there by CA Priyanka.. Titled ''life changing experinces''.. On a lighter note.. VG sir generally says.. To much analysis leads to paralysis..

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