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Who are the celebrities of costing ?

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I qouted the soures oF Information oF Sundaram. I did not personally contact him to change the company websit?

You may or may not agrree,But Cost Accounting has been taken as Secondary qualfication befoer IIM/IIT/CA/.



Please Do Not Feel Inferior before CA

whole world comes to cost Accoutnats are feeling inferior.


Today at Banglore Hon. Min MCA Verrappa moily confirmed that the Name of the institute has been changed to institute of cost accountants of India & designatory letters are ACMA/FCMA & the same have been notified through gazette of India . 

He made very powerful speech & made following remarks,

*Suggested institute to open Research center in Cost Management Sciences & pledged to support the same.

*Suggested Members to specialize in their own field , rather than making undue comparisons with other institutes & said Cost Accountants are equally qualified ,so they shouldn't feel inferior.

*Called Institute as "AAM AADMI" Institute & provider of education to poorest of masses .

*Pointed out on CARR , CAS & Cost Audit & said this will open new avenues in practice .

*Highlighted Cost & Management Accountancy as Future way of accounting & reporting & described the role of Cost Accountants in eradicating corruption.

*He again & again pointed out on improving the quality of Cost & Management practices by the institute & also said that global recognition is attained by show of quality practices & not by any magic or name change.


Sources= CWA club



ok guyz...keep fighting...India is famous for that only...

but keep one thing in mind there is no doubt that ca is more popular than cwa due to the statutory rights given to them but it's not like other qualifications are nothing in front of ca. everyone will not become a celebraty. if u real life situation, you will find people are earning more money that a ca/cwa. even in commerce field you will see that cas/cwas are reporting to a mba from a normal b-school. the same thing is applicable  mutually for cas and cwas also. if you consider common people, you will find everything is based on individual talent.

you can say that cwa is a secondary qualification but you know it is designed in such a way that a person from a poor financial background also can join this course with work. financial background is one of the major reasons that doesn't allow people to go for ca. specially 3 years articleship that too almost without money. In case of cwa a person can join any company and continue the course and met his/her liability also. if you say that people do cwa because they can't do ca, that is totally wrong. I have seen so many satisfied people after completing cwa, becoz this is the course which has helped them to the higher level. if you talk about people with reach family background..they will definetely they will go for ca because of it's higher popularity because they have to study only without worrying about their financial needs. If you consider everything, you will find that corporates don't consider articleship experience, whereas a cost accountant gets his degree without articleship but with some commercial experience. CAs do get higher rewards sometimes in corporates because they have invested more time of their life in studies.

It's not only poor people who join the course, there are people who think in a different way. they plan their future in advance.they want to invest less period in study and more in job experience. those who have done their MBAs from IIM could have done CA also but investing 4.5 years in CA and after that MBA will be a very long duration. so another opting is CWA which will fetch the simlar benefit like ca and will take less time so it's easy for them to choose CWA. if we discuss withing ourselves we will never be able to find the basic idea behind the reason of doing cwa, even we will not be able to understand whether they have taken cwa as primary or secondary course. Chanda kochhar could have done any other course also, why did she choose cwa?

so just stay away from these conversations, these things are not going to give any thing to common people. those who hv to become GM/Director/VP or anything higher than that, they will become even if they are not a CA/CWA. if you are thinking that ca is superior that cwa then nobody will stop you, but the best thing will be to share the knowledge and experience which you have gained/earned as ca, even with CWAs. 

In these kind of discussion, if you see only 3-4 persons are involved. so i don't think this is very useful.

if you the some of the threads started by people like Ankur Garg, Sanjay gupta etc are getting more popularity. so if you are wasting you time then waste it alteast for betterment of others.

Another thing I would like to request Mr Raj kumar Gupta ji that if somebody has posted some positive things about CWAs is not stopping to post positive things about CAs. It will be better if you post positive things about CAs instead of posting negative things about CWAs. All the professions are equally important and inportance of the profession is judged on the basis of people who are getting benefitted from them not based on the popularity only.



have a great weekend :)

1 Like


Arre Cool AP,

Why did you chnge your " Shakal"

why asking reason of doing cost Accounting by Miss Chanda Kochar from Raj?

You are not enough mind to read her interview,

She clearly mentioned the same in her interveiw.

by The way in your fmly names of members like kool ,hot ,sweer ,sweet.

may be some body is down to earth. 

So all these name should be fiven full fledged name.

Originally posted by : ACMA-ICAI

@ Rajkumar

D sundaram is a think tank of ICWAI. he was main think tank of "Global Management Accountant institutes seminar organised by ICWAI on 2007 at Delhi.

MaY Cool AP/RAJ be agent of CA/Cost Accountanst Institute,

Are you also whole time agent ICWAI ?

Why you just invovlved in such thinsg,

eveb your identity is in the name of cost Accounatnt Intitute. please  have your identity first ,then fight for other.

Originally posted by : Vijay

Arre Cool AP,

Why did you chnge your " Shakal"

why asking reason of doing cost Accounting by Miss Chanda Kochar from Raj?

You are not enough mind to read her interview,

She clearly mentioned the same in her interveiw.

by The way in your fmly names of members like kool ,hot ,sweer ,sweet.

may be some body is down to earth. 

So all these name should be fiven full fledged name.

I m mindless yaar....only u r the person who is having mind in this world and your words shows how professional you are, whether my family members are down to earth or not, it's non of ur business, still u passed comments. I guess " Vijay" is also the id of Raj Kumar Gupta. Just joined CCI and started attacking on the posts related to cost accountants. 

As far as Shakal is concerned, I had kept my original photo for the past 2.5 years. I still feel proud to be part of CCI. people like u n Raj kumar gupta (always delete profile and create new one). Shame on u guys.



Nobody is supporting Mr. Raj Kumar Gupta, so he has created a new id in the name of Vijay to support himself....hahaha,,,great!! keep up the good job!


Cool AP 

It is very shame on you ,you just guessing , i am sure your ID is also in the Nme of ISP ,Rashid and so many as cost Accounatnst. You all these ID were deleted.

Now your ID Cool ID has so many fakes?  You just creatiing shames in the name of Cost Accounatnts , yu do not ahve a liitle bit self restpect, Cost Club is feeling vacant , you are not helping them, and fighting here in the diffrent ID ,I guess "ACMA ICAI" is also your ID.

Big Shame on You


don't get angry dear..if u have any common sense then see in my profile, I have joined CCI on 11th of march 2009. u can also see in my profile, I have never commented against any profession. I have very high regard of respect for all the professions. but people like you, just joined the CCI and started commenting against others. I hve full respect for my self and really feel proud of whatever I have. In CCI itself you will find lots of other professionals like CS, CWA, MBA who are contributing towards it's growth, but people like you are always there to pollute the community....shameless guys....u call urself a professional...if professional people are like you then...nobody would like to become professional.

if you have any problem with my id then I can't help it.I like this Id and I am not going to change it for you. 


earlier people used to join caclub India to learn something, now people are joining to fight... :P :P


Then why your ID in the name of Rashid ,and ISP ,and three more recentlty deleted , you are only guy here to pollute this forum. You have separate club , but still you can not afford there,

You just suffering from identity so that even you do not have full name.shame on you. Though i joined today ,but not like you created so many profiles earlier to pollute this forum.

I think CWA has appointed you for this type of nagative publicity. Please carry on.


In orser to clean Gandgi Like you fro CCI , i have to be here. You do not have your home and polluting CCI, ,then you Gandgi should be cleansed.

Originally posted by : Vijay

Then why your ID in the name of Rashid ,and ISP ,and three more recentlty deleted , you are only guy here to pollute this forum. You have separate club , but still you can not afford there,

You just suffering from identity so that even you do not have full name.shame on you. Though i joined today ,but not like you created so many profiles earlier to pollute this forum.

I think CWA has appointed you for this type of nagative publicity. Please carry on.

Ok yaar...u are great!!

thanks for opening my eyes...till now I was not able to understand, with what I m suffering from.

ab khus?? enjoy have a nice time here!

Originally posted by : Cool AP

Nobody is supporting Mr. Raj Kumar Gupta, so he has created a new id in the name of Vijay to support himself....hahaha,,,great!! keep up the good job!


@ cool AP ; - I agree with your point. ONLY RAJ KUMAR GUPTA IS BEHIND THIS ID "VIJAY".

I URGE ACMA - ICAI, COOL -AP & other CCI members to stay away from this mental person's comments on this forum(RKG & his Fake ID vijay) .

Mr.RKG and fake id VIjay need strong medical attention immediatly and i guess they may not be having  enough money since they are CA, so we should request CACLUBINDIA to collect Re. 1 from its seven lac members to fund their medical bills.



You and COOL AP, KKK and Rashil are your own fake ID. You guys have so much ID.

Some of your ID Like Rashid , ISP has been already been deleted.

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