Custom calculate the assessble value = 10000 X 68.65 = 686500
Add 5% svb load (if taken by custom) = 34325
Add 1.125% Insurance = 8109
Total value = 728934
Custom Duty (20% BCD + 10% Cess) 145787+14578 = 160365
Total assessble Value for GST Calculation = 728934+160365 = 889299
GST @ 12% ( 889299 X 12% ) = 106716
As per Bill of Entry IGST Assessble Value = 889299 IGST Value = 106716
I have paid Custom Challan for Rs. 160365+106716 = 267081
E way bill generate Value Rs. 889299+ 106716 = 996015
Purchase value as per custom rate (10000X 68.65) = 686500 + Custom duty 160365 = 846865
Creditors payment as per bank rate (10000 X 67.60) = 676000
IGST Assessble Value = 889299
I have explaind all value so Please reply what is purchase value show in P& L A/c and whats entry book in accounts ?
Svb Load and insurance value, custom department take only for calculation purpose we have not paid these value.
there are two difference
(I) custom dollar rate and bank dollar rate = difference between both amount is conversion profit and loss, am i right?
(II) E way bill Generate Value and Purchase Value. what is entry book for between both difference amount?
please reply