Wal-Mart defers launch of 1st cash-nd-carry store in India

CA Manish K Dhoot (CA, B. Com, NCFM, CPCM) (5015 Points)

26 May 2009  

The much-anticipated launch of Wal-Mart’s maiden cash-and-carry outlet in Amritsar has been deferred following violence sparked by killing of a Dera leader in Austria.“Due to the situation in Punjab, Bharti Wal-Mart is postponing the launch of its cash-and-carry wholesale store ‘Best Price Modern Wholesale’,” the company said in a statement today. It will announce the new date shortly.Tension flared up in Jalandhar and other areas in Punjab late last evening following reports of attack on Sant Niranjan Dass, the head of Dera Sachkhand Ballan, and his second-in-command Sant Ramanand in Vienna, Austria.Violence spread to more parts of Punjab and Haryana today as protestors resorted to large-scale arson, prompting authorities to call out the Army in Jalandhar city and neighbouring areas and impose indefinite curfew.