Originally posted by :Elance_Donfray | ||
" | Hey, You're age? 50? or 60? Lolzz!! I can't imagine people studying as hell as this and then working for people with less or no qualification. You're great man, you're simply cool I agree but I BET there is just no point in studying this much if you CANT achieve something GREATER than what you're doing now. POSTING ON THIS FORUM is going to motivate everyone but EVERY SINGE guy who reads your story is going to be awe-inspired and THAT'S ALL. Everyone will settle for a modest education and START LIVING LIFE. Maybe you should do that too and not brag about your degree. Really!!! No one is bothered about your qualifications, they ask it just for fun - JUST FOR COMPLIMENT. One more tip: If you're writing about your story on how you got so much qualifications, please make sure you put in point by point. I got bored after reading the 4th line, whew! Lear to write tight (salespage?) passage. |
" |
Below is not a tightly framed posting cos' Im no salesman to give a salespage.
Hmm, sounds like a sane advice.But you have stirred my creative juices.Im in a party here on sofa and let me see how best I scribe....I see two beautiful girls there talking to each other, so that I guess, pepped up my heart more than your PM.
Scene 1 Act 2 Take 3!
Following was heard by an andriod while "Vidhyashankar" ranted thus:"Look at my fellow Indians how they behave!"
Vidhyashankar Uvacha(like how they say in sanskrit texts), heard by the Android from UFO:
Maybe I can follow and leave this forum even before my intended date of divestment-Whatyasay?
Why waste my time, when I have a cool job in an Investment Bank back in USA and "work" for those who are less qualified than me.Yeah what you say makes for absolute logical sense despite the imminent fact that I wante to chip in some help to students for a few days during my vacation for a course which taught me life, whatever be my qualifications.You are right, I appreciate this fact.Whatever salary that Im getting by the hour as a consultant working in one of the top 5 Investment banks is not enough for poor me to make my ends meet and also that charity ot service during my vacation is also a sin, I should try for a few more dollars fruitfully.
You are also not committing any sweeping generalization when you say, every single guy in this forum is going to just read my gas-bags(after all what he says can't be true, can it? He too is a rat in a sinking ship like us, why bother?) get pepped up! You are right, when you say that they would lead mediocre lives after being inspired, the inspiration would wash away like the colour of linen when washed a couple of times, Yeah true.And yes, during my time in late ninties there were not beautiful forums like this for me and Vidhyashankar and we had no where to narrate our woes with auditors or discuss our problems except with some impotent friends who could not even say good words.Thats right! I must be a cunning man to leave this forum and better concentrate on earning more and more money.
Maybe I was fool to get inspired from even Beggars in Chennai with whom I used to sit and have a cup of chai(to this day) and try to help them and yet I see some defiance in them for the dole from my hands for one said, "You are my friend, I wont beg before you.Come I will buy you some coffee."(That was the best coffee I had though I drink the best coffes from Starbucks,TimHortons and Secondcup back in my place).Yeah, maybe Im terribly wrong.
You are most honest and absolutely not envious and have not picked up from what Tejas said, and have used your originality to the hilt,when you say I should not 'brag' about my degrees, which were hard earned and yet I have no absolute right to put anything in the fields which asked for my qualifications while registering my id here with this course and restrain myself to either a CPT,PCC,Final or CA/CWA/CS(Members).Hey you have a point their, afterall "Vidhyashankar" was just an Intermediate student(eternally) and only his nut-friend Chiklu has those qualifications,so yeah you are logically correct and have committed a great cyber fraud and a unpardonable sin.And maybe, I can add, I should behave like a snob and not hobnob with students and only talk the high-talk about some amendment or circular in the member's forum taking cut-paste-copy from some site or from a book next to my laptop and then yeah you would appreciate this CA! Yeah, you are right even given the fact that I stay in USA and am into a different scenario and have no business with the Insitute much by way of legalities except some connection which I purposely maintain.You are right my friend.
You are particularly right when you say that people just see the degrees in a forum where they visit many times(Im talking of young students from CPT and other tracks) and just pay a "compliment"(sic) to me and go their way totally uninspired, despite the many many thankyou PMs from students who wanted to drop the next attempt and have foudn new confidence and PMed me and cry their gratitude, I can literally feel the tears in their heart.Yeah, you are right, why do these student lesser qualified buggers need my higher qualifications? I should seek another platform elsewhere in USA, among the whites, where too I would be respected than these vermins.Yeah, you are right.Perfectly right!
You right when you finally say as a "tip" for me that I should scribe my story point by point so that your curiosity would be satiated as to how I got these "complimentary degrees" and maybe find clues to emulate them better than you co-peers(who are ordinary mortals afterall who lead mediocre lives as you suggest after reading my emotional rants and get tmporary inspiration).You right in this display of intelligence and worldly wisdom,afterall every man unto himself in this big bad world, who cares for brothers or sisters or parents....blah blah blah....Yeah, Man, you are right!
You are verily right, that I should emphasize more on the degrees and their attainment than the story and the emotions behind it, for the logical flow of the degrees would tremendously inspire the students and not my emotional rhetoric(or filmy masala as suggested by Bhumika) which they anyways are going to forget and go away as you suggest.Thats right and you are not curious too how I got the degrees and how bored you were after 4 lines of reading my sopoforic text(I wonder how you are going to read study material in your IPCC 'whatever', I use 'whatever' only for you because it is afterall a lower course than mine,am I doing anything wrong here pray tell me?).Thats right, man I missed these points and missed the bus.Booooohooooo!
Scene 2 Take 3 Act 4
The andriod from space says sadly, "we thought that earthlings were nice people and that only we were advanced and logical and yet we have no god in a real sense.It is on earth that we look to , to see human values Vidhyashankar, but looks like we have to go packing our bags to Andromeda QWEJX1 planet from which we come, its better there, atleast there are no CA exams there!"
End of show!
Below is not a scene or take a-la-films(Bhumikaji!):
I have itemized for your sake since you seek pointwise clarity
1. I care squat whether anyone appreciates my degrees or not.
2. I did those for my sake and not for some applause from others.
3. Those degrees there showcase precisely to students who want to aspire the sky and get it too---Yes, its possible--say those degrees.
4. Wisdom can be seen even ina 5 year old kid and one need not be 60 years to pout forth wisdom, mostly at that age you only get more of negativity and curse and rail the world more than any real wisdom, with due respect to all elders.
5. My coming here and sharing some views in my free time is just not for time-pass but for a purpose and every day I see grateful PMs and even one student who was contemplating suicide, who changed "his/her"(for privacy reasons I do not mention the s*x) decision due to my posts.Hey man, my words have saved one life and it is better than the Lambhorgini that I drive back home.The paint of the sports car will peel off but his/her tears for my words which saved his/her life will never dry up.
6. There is something called humanity, which surpasses all degrees,all wisdom,all the classifications and classes which this world may proffer.
And this 50/60 year old man (man, dont go out saying this, Im quite handsome and halfparsees and half keralites are handsome too(one example I can tell regarding looks is John Abraham who is a halfparsee and half keralite like me,aint he cool? or any complaints with him too like with me?) and no girl will come to me.As it is I lost lot of time in that field! Haha! I intend to search for a girl finally this year after hearing your advices! Yeah man me go for it! Girls everywhere beware, this 60 year old tottering man is exhausted studying all these degrees and earning money, I bought an island in Bahamas, come and enjoy with me good life!)
But yeah, more than Bahamas, this 60 year old man prefers to drink a cup of coffee with the street beggar who treats me with his absolutely darkened skin and impoverished body like his own brother.
Yeah logically, you are right.But what about humanity? I gotta think hard....
God Bless and May you surge to new heights.
Screw what I said and be happy!