Vidhyashankar's Heart Speaks!

Page no : 3

dream big live big (student) (190 Points)
Replied 17 June 2009

Dear sir, I have just a question for you...iam a CA student from dharavi (mumbai)...i thing i have got all the things in me to become a great guy in finance...but the only thing which always disturbs me is my stupid friends..I also cant ignore them as in my locality most of them have no passion or goals in their studies and they are the only friends for me...What to do? shall i ignore them or should i learn to adapt with them?.....please advice...thanks in advance

Replied 17 June 2009

well man   Your detail is a good motivation factor...  in one or some of the occassion yu have mentioned some corrupt practices... do yu felt it in yur CA exam...?? 

CA Priyanka (Chartered Accountant) (49 Points)
Replied 17 June 2009

Dear Vidhyashankar, when i read ur article which threw light on your achievements in life..,i could not believe myself..

seriously i never thought someone could manage to do so many after reading ur short bt such a heart touching autobiography,

I m spellbound nd wud lik 2 say jst one thing...HATS OFF 2 U DEAR....keep it up..nd pls keep encouraging us in dis manner alwaz..

sincerely i am really impressed....well done.

CA Priyanka (Chartered Accountant) (49 Points)
Replied 17 June 2009

Nd thanks fr motivating us...

Vidhyashankar (CA) (1292 Points)
Replied 18 June 2009

Hi to all,

1. Ankit: You are free to suspect me. Im a PCC student just passed out from CPT and failed a couple of times.I have some good english and write these articles to inspire myself and others.I hope now you are satisfied.Ha! And regarding the question of having idle time.I have lots of it and tend to waste it here in this forum.Im not a person with those degrees, my name is really Vidhyashankar and I do not have access to the latest gadgets like iphone or ipod-touch with internet connectivity to type messages even on the move say in a car or a local sub-urban train or the Tram as Im a poor PCC student living below the poverty line and thus am a fake person with some fake views trying to gain publicity with a fake name and getting a kick out of it.Look, I have wonderfully worded it for you! I hope you are happy ;).Anything to keep you happy, Boss! All the incidents quoted in my life have been picked from past movies or is a creation of my fecund mind,afterall such a brave hero is virtually not possible.It seems a sheer impossibility. Whew! That relieves me of a burden because now I have confused everyone about my identity and that is how I intend to be.The moment you know my name and more details of my personal life(I regret having posted my personal life,but then its ok not many are privy to it in a specific sense to nail me anywhere be it ICAI or USA), I will be in trouble as I prefer a private life.May I also add: Since Iam a fake person,whatever I have said till now becomes a fake and the advices I have given also turn into useless tinsel.(Hmm, no you won't accept that, cos you know the truth! Haha!).This is a democratic country as Tejas said and everyone has a right to opinion and to expression.And even "Vidhyashankar" has a right to opinion and expression.But then Im a loafer who has lot of time....blah blah blah and the saga continues! Man! This forum is fun!

Advice of a guy from UFO to Ankit: Heed the advices of this cyber monster called "Vidhyashankar" in the forum if you like, study well and clear the exams.Let the message of the person  be more important than the man himself.When the time comes he would reveal himself at the appropriate platform.Already he had some trouble with ICAI trying to implement some changes and he does not want to burn his fingers once more.

Hey that was from some andriod from space not Vidhyashankar, so you can take it cool.Dont accuse me 'cause Im a PCC student like you Yaar!

2. Digital Fun aka Tejas: First, what you have written is logical digresion from the main points I mentioned.Nowhere have I mentioned anything very derogatory about anyone or about Indians or about farmers who are dying due to lack of meals,etc which you have put there.These serve as argument emotional distractors.My main point to showcase this now is to say that I refuse to be sucked in by this vortex.

Second, I never commented anything about the democratic process as such.Everyone knows democratic process is a slow one however the slowness can become even more decelerated due to people's attitudes is what I felt.

Third, nowhere have I supported America anywhere.

Logically its like this: I take a stand against A and B is in opposition against A and thus you say I take a stand for B by the means of automatic deduction.This is a logical fallacy.Im not at war with any nation to keep allies and enemies in my portfolio.I express my views for or against India do not mean I love America.Also, given the number of companies and other congenial factors America does boast of opportunities even in this economic recessionary scenario where companies are falling left right and middle!I do not want to be drawn to an argument whether America is better than India or viceversa.Each country has its own history of evolution and adaptiveness.Maybe we need some more time.

Fourth,I have used the word utopia but nowhere said I liked it.I said, I like practicality better than utopia.Read my comments carefully.

Fifth, you say we Indians are open to criticism.So now you take it as We Vs You battle but you forget Im an Indian too.I have not taken a US Passport purposely.I care for my country very much.Despite my busy schedule I keep typing something here to inspire some students.Im no white American, let me make it clear.

Sixth,Democracy is the only solution you say but I say how democracy is handled is more important than mere having democracy.

Seventh, you say we should respect ICAI's stand and if we have reservations we should make ourselves heard.True very true!

                 Here are some sutras you must know:

                  Respect is a 2 way street.Respect is normally tendered to people whereas an organization's decisions are abided by.We have to abide, we have no other go but bringing in the word "Respect" brings an emotional factor of subjugation.One must debate healthily.

                  Im making the ICAI hear my plea through this forum and am sure someone will take all this up, if not for a PCC student like me(That was a take on Ankit ;) .Sorry Ankit, couldn't control the itch!).

                  These are not mere reservations but genuine concerns

Eighth, I appreciate your intrepdity to confront me boldly.I also appreciate the patriotism which you have for our country.You must genuinely do something for our country.I would definitely pale into oblivion and shame before you.This is no tougue-in-cheek sarcasm I use here.


If I were not genuinely interested, I would not spark such debates purposely.I carefully ignited the tinder and want this to turn into a forest fire and everyone must think.Thoughts are the first fire!And debate of a healthy kind between two intellectuals are the flintstones which provide the fire.

As long as Im able to access this site for the next few days, use me.Thereafter I would not give any trouble to anyone and vanish into thin air! or the "udders of Mother Earth" as I mentioned in my mini-autobiography

So long mate!

1 Like

Vidhyashankar (CA) (1292 Points)
Replied 18 June 2009

Originally posted by :N GANESHAN
" well man   Your detail is a good motivation factor...  in one or some of the occassion yu have mentioned some corrupt practices... do yu felt it in yur CA exam...??  "


If this one was directed at me:

Please rest assured that there are no corrupt practices as far as CA exam is concerned.Highest precuations are being taken by the ICAI in matters of leakageof papers and other security measures.(Except one small fracas long long ago but that too was resolved amicably and fast by the ICAI then, the details of which are very irrelevant).You can rest assured there are no corrupt practices as far as exams are concerned and one must thank ICAI for this.Go ahead with your final prep with full confidence and assurance about our ICAI regarding this.

If this was not directed to me:

Then too I guess I have answered your question.

Vidhyashankar (CA) (1292 Points)
Replied 18 June 2009

Originally posted by :Digitalfun
" VS, my friend,

First, It may seem a logical digresion from the main points to you, but if you read carefully, I replied all these in reponse to your using the word "Indian's", the point I wanted one to take home is, one should use word "Indian's" more carefully.

Second, I don't want to penalise you for using it, It was my observation, even you agreed that you did generalise sometimes.

Third, I din't say you love America more than India either, so may be either you are interpreting it in a wrong way or may be I was a bit strong with my statements.

Fourth, most of your arguments are also based on emotions, in fact your whole story evokes emotions, for me "Indian-ness" is attached to emotions, emotions run high dood!

Fifth, We are not here for Me V/s You, let us remember we are here in memory of your lost friend.

Sixth, I have appriciated your effort to share your knowledge in the name of your lost friend. But I think we should stay to that only and not digress, then the whole purpose won't do justice.

Cheers! Why this bravado, enjoy!
Got to go, jogging time!


Hi Tejas,

Nice try!

You have totally misunderstood(or dont want to understand my point) what my intetions were when I used the words "Indian" and "Generalization".Both of us can argue endlessly as we are now beginning to see in this argument only as Black and White and not a Synergistic thinking mode, so whatever I say can be defended by you as the underdog and normally underdogs are given sympathy when the thing stretches out a bit far.So, now prudently, I would not wish to draw myself into another tirade here.(Though I can argue endlessly, whereby I improve my thinking and argumentative skills better.The more your bashing, the better my skills develop.This would be my only value-addition and not in changing your views or opinions against me or my intentions,for I have no such illusions!)

Though you did not say USA was my love, you meant so in so many words when you started off by saying ..."Even the country, so called land of opportunites, which you are now in, is no where near to utopia." This in itself smacks of a personal comment.

Coming to the point of emotions: Yes, my postings are emotional and have been deliberately meant by me with the sole purpose of encouraging students,inspiring them, telling them that a middleclass Indian like them has made it big and so can you, narrating them my woes emotionally and then relating a happy ending to prove them that things need not be so desperate and that one can come out well if one prepares,plans and has a winning attitude in life.

If you want to inspire people, you have to talk.My intention is not to share some CA subject files(you have plenty of them doing it already and the sharefile section is inundated with files) or to discuss some lonely problem in Marginal Costing or explain the nuances of Settlement Commission in Taxes or harp on the vissitudes of changes in Valuation of Goodwill and the like.That is not my cup of tea for now.Maybe I would be interested in sharing some thoughts later on Options and Futures which I deal with in my professional work,maybe a few aspects of Mergers and Aquisitions, maybe some technical queries of SAP,etc at a later stage.My sole purpose, whether you believe or not is only to inspire students.

I take every 'emotional' opportunity for this,including a reply to such comments because by every reply people think, Im being defensive and maybe it is a wrong positioning but then it is perfect positioning because I get to inspire students more.No one can get away with negative statements and negative talk and Im here to reply those negativity and transmute it alchemically to something positive like a baser metal being converted to gold by the alchemist who touches with the philosopher's stone."Vidhyashankar" is such a philosopher stone and I want this attitude of "Bravado"(as you put it) to mandatorily arise in every soul who is doing CA.

If your boss internally convert that alechmically to an "Yes I can do it"

If your friend says--CA is internally convert that alchemically to "CA is easy and I will give it my best shot"

If your colleague says--"Postpone your CA attempt and studies 4 months is not sufficient"---you convert that sh*t into ---"Screw it, Lets do it!"

Im an emotional dude because it is only emotions deep insidewhich will inspire us.I give back 'emotional' replies thus, because many students lack this and take it light.Im emotional because Im human and the students who do this course are also humans.There is nothing wrong in being emotional perse, especially when it is constructive in my case.

Next, Im here for the memory of my friend.You do not know my friend, so how can you be for his memory.Im happy that you share my grief but then it was my feelings in the first place which made me share what I knew and virutally Vidhyashankar lived in my memories and now among you to help you all.

Your sixth point is sane and I have no complaints on that.

Tejas, your fight is good but then apply the test of 3 which I mentioned in another thread.Im replying to you and extending this thread because this thread's major purpose is not my "Bravado" but to quell such negative attitudes existent among students which hampers their progress.Henceforth, every such negative comment against "Chiklu"(thats my pet name and I dont want the name of my friend sullied here), would be transmuted to something positive and inspiring and that is why I entreat all to even read my comments(they are postings in themselves)

Screw it, Lets do it!

Your friend in Bravado!


Vidhyashankar (CA) (1292 Points)
Replied 18 June 2009

And Tejas,

You are intelligent and confident and have a 'cool-dude' attitude.Its easy for you to clear the exam.But lets give a chance for other students too.

I hope you dont take it personally.I would personally feel sad if I come to know that I have hurt you and discouraged your spirits.

In an argument I can win but I lose a friend and an opportunity to be a better human.I dont want to win a parochial battle and lose the important war!

Nannu Thappugaa Bhavinchaku, marolaaga artham chesukovadhu!

So long mate.

Vidhyashankar (CA) (1292 Points)
Replied 18 June 2009

Originally posted by :Digitalfun
" Ok, Chiklu.
from Bravado-land.


Haha!Thankyou Tejas from the Land-of-patriots! Hehe!

Elance_Donfray (Student (IPCC)) (75 Points)
Replied 18 June 2009


You're age? 50? or 60? Lolzz!! I can't imagine people studying as hell as this and then working for people with less or no qualification.

You're great man, you're simply cool I agree but I BET there is just no point in studying this much if you CANT achieve something GREATER than what you're doing now. POSTING ON THIS FORUM is going to motivate everyone but EVERY SINGE guy who reads your story is going to be awe-inspired and THAT'S ALL. Everyone will settle for a modest education and START LIVING LIFE.

Maybe you should do that too and not brag about your degree. Really!!! No one is bothered about your qualifications, they ask it just for fun - JUST FOR COMPLIMENT.

One more tip: If you're writing about your story on how you got so much qualifications, please make sure you put in point by point. I got bored after reading the 4th line, whew! Lear to write tight (salespage?) passage.

1 Like

Ankit Jain (Student) (506 Points)
Replied 18 June 2009

u r a success in CA club...

anyway atleast i have got my answer...and am satisfied...

i again hank u4 no matter wat u r but u inspire us...

u have ur own ideology....and is difficult to defeat u in words...U could b a lawyer,Debater or an orrator...

swati (ca) (25 Points)
Replied 18 June 2009

hiiiii u r really a true achiever desppite all thic difficulties u teach us how an ordinary man turned into extraordinary person 4 u success is nothing but doing ordinary things extraordinary well .i salute ur gr8 strength & want to be like u

swati (ca) (25 Points)
Replied 18 June 2009

hiiiii u r really a true achiever desppite all thic difficulties u teach us how an ordinary man turned into extraordinary person 4 u success is nothing but doing ordinary things extraordinary well .i salute ur gr8 strength & want to be like u

CA CS Bhumika Thakkar (CA,CS) (1618 Points)
Replied 18 June 2009

ur lyf is completely kudos 2 u...!!!!

gr8 achievements...!!!!

inspite of all dis...

1 Like

kckinn (CA) (759 Points)
Replied 18 June 2009

Great. Exactly what I needed, a great story to motivate and charge me up.

Thanks for sharing.


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