Nice contribution
CMA KNVV Sri Vidya - Sri Kanth
(C.A.Final (New) ICWAI FINAL (New))
(11269 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
Nice contribution
(Chartered Accountant)
(1299 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
You don't have any right to comment about Vidhyashankar's personal life,how he got his qualifications,his earnings or how much he owe to his family.
I am sure that Mr Vidhyashankar has touched the heart of many a fellow students. If you are feeling jealous about that, it is your problem. Dont try to pass on your negativity by keep on posting all such kindaa idiotic messages in the forum and dont take other's time too.
Btw you wanted to leave Refer /forum/message_display.asp?group_id=35805
"I am sorry to say, but I didn't find any way for exit from have sent PM several times to Admin as well, but they don't reply only on this topic."
Or is it because of that frustration that you are yelling out all nonsenses here?
Be professional on this professional platform.Nobody forced you to join this community. Mr Vidhyshankar didnt force anyone to read his postings.If he is getting a huge repsone to his postings, thats because of his caliber.
Mr.Vidhyashankar(I am not bothered about who is hiding behind that profile) has touched a lot of students. There exists an intellectual and professional relationship between the persons who converse with him.
"If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself-Confucius."
Thats all Arpita,
CA Abdul Halim Siddiqui
(481 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
Even though I personally admire the contribution made by Mr. Vidhyashankar to this community in such a short span, but let me tell you guys Arpita was just expressing his views & u know the term VIEW itself is subjective . In my opinion Mr. Vidyashankar should ignore just critics and if he is responding he is not of cool temper persona which at such level of success he shuld be!!. A real analyst is a person u also see the -ve side of a person/ situattion which Mrs. Arpita has to some extent and not always praise the person, this will help that person to improve himself
Conclusion can drwn that Mr. VIdyashankar should not reply such opinion
take this in +ve manner :That when people start talking about u, means u r growing/way to success-Guru movie dialogue
Max Payne
(2574 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
Dear Vidhyashankar,
You really didnt have to go all guns blazing at arpita yaar..
what she probably meant is this - "How can anyone study so many years?... dont u have other responsibilities as well?? Can you handle them along with your studies? I am studying CA and finding it difficult to manage my life.... and yet you have gone on to achieve somethings i could not dream of dreaming! I do not think my family could encourage me to study like you, nor do the circumstances permit me to.."
Clearly, she has a less positive attitutde than you - i dont think any body in this community is as positive towards life as you!
And to arpita - wrong post, wrong time, wrong place to take up the matter and certainly could have taken it up in a better way!
Please vidhyashankar, u must have realised by now the way students are eagerly looking forward to u giving them your advise. She probably wanted the same. Perhaps she is ambitious, but not hopeful. You know your following!
I think this is the only one time i have seen you actually give a reply emotionally yaar... perhaps your ego has managed to overcome you... at a wrong time... should have kept your cool... 2 more people try to put her in her place on this same thread.. cos they think that highly of you.... so do i cos i cant achieve what u have, at least not in the short span that is my life....
Dear Vidhyashankar, You are a mentor to all of us, and who holds greater power than a teacher?
Remember - with great power comes great responsibility - Peter Parker :)
But the reason why i am here is to ask u one thing - how do u type like a rocket? any books?
TO Halim,
Please dont take a favour of a person who is just interested in condemning someone for his positive contribution. Yes, u r right that a person should accept negative criticism as well provided it is A CONSTRUCTIVE cricticism. Do u really think that Arpita's criticism wouls help Mr. Vidya shankar to improve in any of his weak points?
CA Abdul Halim Siddiqui
(481 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
if Mr. vidyashankar do not see any benefits from Mrs. Arpita's criticism, he should rather ignore it & u should too..
see my concluding remark of above conversation
In short be diplomatic and as a final student u should know it
Aashish Dinanath Tripathi
(Articled Assistant and NCFM(CMDM))
(233 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
Originally posted by :Vidhyashankar | ||
" | Originally posted by :Arpita " Sir, please don't mind, but in one article you said that you are from low middle class family. I want to ask a very simple question-Do you really think even after so much study you have justified yourself. What I mean to say is that your father is a govt servant. Then also you wasted/invested his money on going abroad & on doing CPA (although you are already a CA). As per your articles you have taken coachings of almost all subjects-Herealso again I want to ask you why don't you opt for self study at that moment inspite of wasting/investing money of your poor father. Further, you said that you are still studying to you are in late twenties....doing some part time course of MBA. I want to ask you whether you have truly justified with your poor father in wasting/investing his money in so many degrees, you could have earned same amount of money even if you would have been just CA. In terms of qualification also you have just added your degrees not knowledge by doing these courses, because all courses provides almost same knowledge & have approx same course as CA. I don't know how much you earn right now but before thinking about your earning i would think about the expenditure you have done till yet and other expense like living in other country, etc. you have doing right now. Lastly I must not say but people like you first do brain drain to our own country and then preaches others about everything. " This posting bespeaks again of envy/jealousy albeit laced with humble words.People simply cannot take brilliance of any sort and unless one appreciates the best in all one cannot proceed further in life.This is my advice to you, humbly, Arpita. 1. My family condition is known only to me and my kith and kin not you.It is true that my father was a govt servant and we hailed from a low middle class family at the time of my doing CA.Do you think we would be doomed thus for eternity? What made you think so? 2. How do you know I "wasted/invested" his money to go abroad? If you are uncomfortable with the fact that one can even pass CA and then go for an MBA and then finish CPA in USA, then it bepseaks again of envy and jealousy, which needs correction.I think I do not need to explain to you how I went abroad and what makes you think, I spent his money for my education? There are words called "Scholarship","Graduate assistantship","help from friends and other relatives","on-campus jobs",bursaries",etc which are given to meritorious students IMHO you might not have heard about them.Yes, you might not have heard about all this as you are prone to think "how the heck can someone be successful despite coming from a lower strata--it simply is crazy" than working out your own destiny.True, very true. 3. How can you, of all people, speak for me that I have not added both knowledge and qualifications? Do you think one who has a higher number of qualifications,meritorious,well placed,earning very well,helpful to others,etc cannot have knowledge? Infact, the odds would favour him/her I suppose.Without knowledge, pray tell me how i can even speak in the forum or gain and retain my job.On the contraray by such words, you have betrayed your ignorance and stereotypical mass thinking here.Im prepared to resign my job here in USA with a top company if you are willing to hire me and gift me that wisdom and knowledge as to how to succeed in this life and lead a happy life with maybe passing just CA after many attempts of failure and staying with you in a rut-mindedness.Hell no! I was just joking here! I wont even take that job even if you pay me million dollars per minute(LOOK! Haven't I displayed some wisdom and knowledge here?) 4. Also, your logic has taken a goodbye from your brain when you say ALMOST all courses give the same knowledge as CA.Is that so? Then pray tell me why people are doing CWA,CS or MBA? My MBA in Stern School in USA is same as per your rating with Indian CA and not a bit different.Where Indian CA is more to do with Indian scenario, The MBA in Stern School would give me the same direct taxes,indirect taxes,etc knowledge. Wow! you are some specimen! The same goes with CFP and other qualifications.Try saying this to someone who is doing CS or CWA simultaneously and they wont even deem you competent or their level to give a reply back.Im patiently giving this reply back to portray some common myths in student's minds.You being a classic specimen.This bespeaks of your naiviete, your lethargy and your rut-thinking.I humbly submit this at your holy feet. 5. I beg you to leave the epxenditure part to me and you think that a person who types all this for the benefit of students,who helps others in the memory of his friend,who does not forget his mother's words, would go ahead and torture his living father, who has been well provided for by this fellow who is typing behind this name Vidhyashankar, with all sorts of comforts and has also been pleaded many times to come to USA but he prefers to stay in India.Mind you, I have not taken a single penny from him after my CA and BCom, whether you want to believe it or not. 6. "Brain-drain" is better than "drain-of-the-brain".The later being represented by people like you.Just because you are a girl or a male student coming in a girl's ID, I really dont care.I call a spade a spade.What do you know about me, about my contributions,etc. Before speaking further,please tell me your most obliging contributions to this how many students' lives have you touched, how many people have you helped, apart from getting jealousto the core and passing these self-righteous "patriotic" comments.With people like you in India and getting my "brain-in-the-drain", I thought let me maintainmy sanity and stay out and help India.I can learn manythings synergistically from other countries where I visit,share it with my receiving and openminded Indian brothers and sisters than waste my time parading my ego or defending egoistic arrows with my shield of words from loser-mentality people like you.Pray tell me is this wrong? I guess even our father of the nation Shri Mahathma Gandhiji was a Bar-at-law from UK,then worked in Natal province in SouthAfrica, was influenced by Leo Tolstoy(a white russian) and others into sathyagraha movement and did something for the nation and was finally killed by an Indian(not a white man). The samething with other greats of our nation.Say these dialogues to ambedkar who came from the lowest of low strata, a Mahar, and went abroad for education and raised the consciousness of Dalits and upheld their dignity and fought for their cause. Ask first these greats of nation, who came fromthe lowest of low strata and how they went abroad and how they did education? Whether they sqeezed their father and mother's blood or whether they worked their way up and gained knowledge. If you have something to talk, talk, do not talk for the sake of talking or trying to dole your two cents and show up your insecurities and incapacities here.If there is any issue with me PM me. Do not bring personal things about my life here and try to act smart.This is my piece of advice, which I humbly submit at your feet. Goodday Madam! p.s. I had no need to reply to such comments but incase you really are a woman, you are going to be the mother,most probably, tommorow of a child who would be an Indian and if you raise him or her with such attitudes, our country cannot progress an inch further and whether I have justified myself or not only god should tell.I do what my conscience and divine consciousness in me tell as the right thing to do. |
" |
Hello Dear VidhyaShankar Sir.
Your reply to dear Arpita was good and upto the mark but was a bit harsh, even though it was rightly so.
TIll then.
Enjoy, Have Phun and RADHE RADHE
(cafinal student)
(107 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
halo Vidhya Shankar sir,
Ur articles are too Good. And they give good guidance for Up coming Ca students aspiring to be FUTURE Chartered Accountants.please do continue the same.
(1292 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
Yes my dear friends I should have ignored it.
Ignoring is for my good.
1. I dont waste time
2. I dont need to think to type.
3. I dont need to spend a few minutes in the negativity of replying back a bit strictly.
Correct, I could have done that, just ignored the damn comment and went my way.After all, there are so many praising me, so why care for such pussillanimous pinpricks.
Yes, this upholder of logic, should have logically done that.
But the postings if you notice is for you and you alone students.I have nothing personal with Arpita! Have you seen me interact in the member's side?
If I dont reply back to the post the following things would have happened to you, students:
1. The posting being made by a girl(or a male in girl's ID) would have more receptivity.
2. Human nature is by inherent tending to see something negative in anything, any person or situation.(Most common example: Place a black dot on a white sheet of paper,and ask anyone "what do you see" and they would say: "I see a black spot".No one or very rare is a soul who would tell(originally without knowing about this beforehand): "I see first a whitesheet ofpaper and then maybe a small black dot" But it is these rare people who will change the consciousness of multitudes of people.
3. The comments are of a personal nature.If expletives had been used either the admin would have taken care or the person'a bad words would have put him/her in bad light as it is and I could have ignored it.But the posting was cunning and laced in humility as if there was great care for me and my father, which I disliked.Students would then think that this person is a prodigal son who is wasting his Indian father's resources and sucking his blood and all other filmy stuff running in their minds and thus the MAN and not his Message becomes important.In this the loser might or might not be Arpita, it is definitely not me(because I can save my time for other useful pursuits), the loser would be you.For a message to embed in subconscious psyche--the man too is important sometimes.
4. Giving an emotional reply without exceeding limits, be it strict or befitting the person,does not in any manner de-value or debase me as a person.
5. Even Ambani(upon whom the film Guru was taken) used to respond now and then to negative comments in a strict manner.
6. Too much of mushy-mushy and goody-goody thing is bad for me and the readers.
7. Jealousy of people have to tackled with a strict hand, not ignored.For they would be cause of the fall of even a mammoth.This is what one should learn as one rises in one's career graph or even life.
8. Earlier one member by name Prateek had abused me openly in the forum using all choicest expletives against my mother and friend-thinking those were my weaknesses or chinks in my armour! I just laughed about it and pitied him.The admin were prompt in not only removing his dirty comments but also banning the member for life.
So,I know when to ignore and when not to ignore.When I sit for this forum, I just think what best I can do for students.So even negative comments would be "transmuted" for the benefit of all into positivity this is my USP.Please do not think my lengthy perorations are toungued in travailing emotionality or that Im crying blood tears here.Far from it, I enjoy the process of how to reply back properly, how to show some nuggets of wisdom even in a strict reply.Those who want to pick those nuggets are wise, those who look at it as an "emotional reply not befitting a person of high stature/qualifications like Vidhyashankar(I bear no such pretences)" are missing the bus.Please look at my future replies in such a light.I have no enemity with anyone.Even Kamal who first sort of "fought" with me in the forum is now my good friend and we exchange now and then PMs.This is professionalism,healthy professionalism, which you budding CAs must cultivate.
See, in all this confusion, I have not been able to post few more books and small blurbs for which this thread had been started in the first place.
Those who supported me, I thank them from the bottom of my heart.Those who supported Arpita too, I thank because it made me give this clarification which will help other students to have some insights how to tackle jealousy.
(1292 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
Originally posted by :Gopalakrishnan | ||
" | Dear Vidhyashankar, You really didnt have to go all guns blazing at arpita yaar.. what she probably meant is this - "How can anyone study so many years?... dont u have other responsibilities as well?? Can you handle them along with your studies? I am studying CA and finding it difficult to manage my life.... and yet you have gone on to achieve somethings i could not dream of dreaming! I do not think my family could encourage me to study like you, nor do the circumstances permit me to.." Clearly, she has a less positive attitutde than you - i dont think any body in this community is as positive towards life as you! And to arpita - wrong post, wrong time, wrong place to take up the matter and certainly could have taken it up in a better way! Please vidhyashankar, u must have realised by now the way students are eagerly looking forward to u giving them your advise. She probably wanted the same. Perhaps she is ambitious, but not hopeful. You know your following! I think this is the only one time i have seen you actually give a reply emotionally yaar... perhaps your ego has managed to overcome you... at a wrong time... should have kept your cool... 2 more people try to put her in her place on this same thread.. cos they think that highly of you.... so do i cos i cant achieve what u have, at least not in the short span that is my life.... Dear Vidhyashankar, You are a mentor to all of us, and who holds greater power than a teacher? Remember - with great power comes great responsibility - Peter Parker :) But the reason why i am here is to ask u one thing - how do u type like a rocket? any books? |
" |
How did I earn so many qualifications and still am doing it? Planning and persistence
Please read my life story in the thread "Vidhyashankar's heart speaks."
Also, once you get a couple of qualifications, you get exemptions for other courses.One need not study for many many years, one can do it simultaneously while working.(which I what I did after my MBA was over).
I have given replies "emotionally" many other times.Emotionality is being used by me in a responsible fashion and nowhere have I used expletives.It is being used as an elephant goad.Im "emotionally cool", yes it sound slike an oxymoron.But once I do the typing, I dont even care to remember or dwell upon it for the next posting which I type in a few minutes.
If I type "No comments" like a politician, I wont be doing any justice to my conscience and what I intended to do.
Type like rockets?---Hmm, I practiced with typing software with my laptop many many times.If you are asking about flow of ideas, that comes naturally to me.
(1292 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
Ok, now back to business.Arpita was some comic relief for me and even my father to whom I sent the message by email, he laughed and joked like this, "Yeah the girl supports me, so better marry her if she is unmarried, I will have a good daughter-in-law".I replied back, "But I will have a bad wife who might constantly nag me!" Hahahahaha!(Arpita! Sorry dear! that was a joke which a father and son had at your expense.This is what happens to negativity, you will become a laughing stock)
This book was one of the first self-help books I started at the age of 14.This is the book which helped me set up my first part-time business last week.This book's title seems like a staid one but really it is a classic book which is a must for those who love self-help books.
Dale Carnegies principles, I apply even today even for this forum.It changed my outlook on life.Most of the books later just regurgitated stuff which he said in this book long long ago, so long ago, god knowsn how long ago!
Hey this book is not needed for CAs like us.Yet, it helped me kindle my interest into self-financial management even to the extent of me finishing CFP while in Newyork.Really a classic book.But somehow Im not comfortable with Kiyosaki's later day emphasis on network marketing.I simply dont like network marketing though some of my friends swear by it.I keep thinking of Ponzi pyramid fraud schemes each time I see fabulous comments on some network marketing scheme.
This one is good too.I even play the game related to this which Kiyosaki invented sometimes with like-minded friends.
This one is ok, I would say.I had lot of expectations.I have his whole series.
This book was gifted by me while travelling in a plane by some Bahai follower.I liked many words which Bahaiullah says in it.Unfortunately, this sect is being prosecuted in big level in Iran.
Give me a cup of wine,a girl on my lap and let mepen some poems....this is the feeling you get after you read this book.So romantic.I love Rumi and his poems and this one peaks among the collection I have.
Thats all for today...bye one and all!!!!!
(1292 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
Originally posted by :Vidhyashankar | ||
" | lateron his style was adopted in crass/ vulgar manner by Aravind Adiga and the ilk, who even get Booker prizes for the garbage they pen.Atleast Aravind Adiga's style is very good and it touch one's heart and you keep getting the events again and again in your mind but some others are plain no good!) |
I agree with it.I dont understand how Mr. Arvind Adiga got booker prize for WHITE TIGER!!!!After reading his book, I really felt that Had it been better, if I hv not read it. In the whole book he tried to convince the reader or justify the murder.....which I still could not digest. ...The moral of the story was that kill someone if u want to come out from vicious circle of poverty.....What a great moral he gave???
(1292 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
yes, somehow even the dalits too were hurt by his book(though he is half-dalit and half-brahmin).He seems to say the only way for a Dalit to come up is to murder loot and come up in a dishonest way.Even his other book "Between two assassinations" bears a very pathetic angry tone....
Booker prize for White Tiger,Oscar for Slumdog,etc are given by White Westerners so that they can down India as it is a rising Tiger.
So, the best thing is give prizes and recognitions to such dreary,depressing and negative stuff and showcase to the global public about India and then India and Indians would be seen in poor light everywhere.There are many many homeless people and beggars even in USA,Why even in Manhattan!But they dont showcase such things, they have what is called selective amnesia.
Indians wherever they go tend to slowly dominate given their nature to work hard,go behind education and technical expertise,etc.What happens with this scenario, other communities, especially the Western White soceity sits up and notice and they start seething with envy,jealousy and a sense of insecurity and thus they would look for ways to curb this "monster"(in their eyes).(Example: Racial attacks on students in Australia)
The best way to subvert any race or country is to do it in an ideological/cultural way and there you have it done it in an easy manner.
Yes, the situation as far as poverty and other issues is really apalling but then portraying it in such a negative trend would never help.Even authors/creative people have a responsibility towards soceity.This is my personal take.
Yeah, AR Rehman deserved an award and all that...but people look now at India as some "Slumdog slutty nation" not "India shining".So this makes me think hard...whats the fuss all about.
Even in slumdog millionaire it is like a "slumdog"(metaphor for poorest of poor India) rising suddenly and winning a jackpot despite tribulations and trials(obviously with the BPO and computers) despite the rural areas still not developed.This is cleverly shown to the audience in West, who lap any scenes of poverty and the like being shown about India and many many still think India is a land of snake charmers and snakes, whatever be our rhetoric about Software,BPO,development,etc.These type of people dont help India and its image.They think they are great revolutionaries but they do lot of disservice to the nation.
Jai Ho!