I have written P.E 2 exams but I am fully aware of the IPCC sylb (except Infotech & SM)... since am preparing it as a precautionary measure before my results.
1. Accounts (I) :- Get your basics right first. Begin with glancing through your CPT material, just for refreshing sake. Tackle chapters like cash flow, partnership, average due date and other such small chapters first. What happens is, a major chunk of your easier portion gets over fast. This gives you confidence to tackle other lenghty ones.
2. Law Ethics & Comm:- Law is a subject where you are to tackle 5 Bareacts... These bareacts are like "Law Bible" with sections starting from 1 and going on. Each section tells you what you can do, what you can't, with regard to that law. For law, buy a 300-400 pages notebook (I purchased mine from outside India... frankly speaking dunno if its available in India). Make a margin on every page. In the margin you write the section number. Corresponding to the section number write the section matter. Don't think, nor try to mug or even understand for that matter. Just do a mechanical work. What happens is you unconsciously start familiarising with the subject matter. You start gettin a hang of sections. In your coaching you will find it easier to use this book as a reference.
Ethics & Comm is purely a theory paper, where you are supposed to score easily, which I am sure you will since you have a very good command on english. English is all that matters in this paper!!
3. Tax :- This subject is sppsd to be your main strength. Every student who could capitalise on this one, has usually succeeded in clearing all using average. Though sounding easy, it can be tricky at times due to its volume. This is a subject which can be mastered only by everyday practice, unlike others which can even be done at last minute stage.
4. Cost & FM:- This has been an alien subject for many. Costing is usually fine, its FM that causes the worry. If you are aspiring to become CEO or finance manager of some company you are expected to have this subject at the back of your hand. It is judicious use of formulas and statistical techniques. So if you are good with 11th std maths, I don't see this subject bothering you.
Rest I suggest you plan on your own since it is not concerning your articles. Master these 4 first before even attempting to open the books of second group. Atleast this way your time is secured initially. Then attack the 2nd group. Reply me at shreyashpai21 @ hotmail.com with your views.