Tips for Exam: Try this also

Ankit 21 CA,CS,B.Com (CA) (3949 Points)

07 October 2009  


First and foremost , make your answers look professional . Give a impression of what you are to write while answering the question .

Do not write filler sentences i.e. sentences Just to fill the page . Concentrate on the quality and not on the quantity what you write . Filler sentences do not fetch any marks .

Write down formulas, facts or other materials you know.

Make sure that your answers are represented by correct question numbers. Some students are known to make drastic mistakes in this regard.

The easiest strategy, is to start with the question with which you are most comfortable . This will give a sense of confidence . It will make a good first impression on the paper checker . Make sure that you get the best mark in it.

If you are stuck up in the middle of the answer due to temporary memory lapse, leave appropriate space blank and go on to the next question from the beginning of the next page . If during attempting next question or questions you remember some point relating to previous question, add the same to the previous question .

Do not scribble in your answer sheet .

Write as much as possible on each question .Remembering that you will get marks only for what you write and not for what is in your head .

Keep an eye on the time allocated for each question. Write as clearly as possible , but without reducing your speed . All that is required in the answer is that it should be legible .

If you finish the paper early, use the time to edit your work . Also check that you have answered all the questions by circling the tick marks made by you in the question paper .


Take this question at the end. Let us take a look at the scene . Here you know how much time is left and also where you stand . By now you know that out of the say, five questions that you are to attempt, you have already attempted four and answer to the fifth one you do not know quite well, but you have a hazy idea . Whatever you write as answer to the fifth question, there will be no deduction of marks from the marks awarded to you for the first four questions which you have already attempted. Moreover, if you write ten sentences as answer to the fifth difficult question and only two sentences are right, you will get marks only for the right sentences and no marks for the wrong ones . There will be no deduction for the wrong sentences . Ok ? Now let us go ahead.

Read the question carefully . Rephrase the question in your own words . Try to understand what the question requires from you. If you think that you do not under stand the question, try asking the invigilator for a clarification. Think of the chapter from which the question has been taken. Think of what you remembered about the topic. In rough margin, break the question into different smaller questions , say two , three or more. The higher is the number , the better it would be . Now think if you can find answer to any one or more of them . Try to recall if you have read the question. Think of the notes which you have prepared. Think of sequence of the Chapter and the Paragraphs which lead to the likely answer. If you can recall anything, however remote it may be, start writing. If you do not know how to begin, pick up the language from the question itself . If you are not sure what you remember is right or wrong, relevant or not, write the answers anyway. If it is wrong, then you get no marks and no marks will be deducted either . If by chance, it is correct, you get some marks . Each mark counts .