How to Avoid House Loss - Setoff, Validation Error; What is Mini.Chargeable to TAX

Baskaran (NA) (36 Points)

29 July 2024  


Q1:Can I carry forward House Loss to next  Yr without Setoff with other Gains like LTCG, STCG, Other Income. If Not, minimum / economically to which I can setoff.

On filing in eportal, in CYLA, it forces to setoff all Gains, but on validating at final gives LTCG can be set off with LTCG only. If I exclude LTCG in CYLA and tried to setoff other gains, compute setoff does NOT allow, gives error as max. Loss NOT setoff. Refer attachment.

The automation keeps cycles, can any one give solution to avoid this and file time being.                             

Q2: What is the “Taxable income after adjusting for Min.chargeable to TAX” . It gave Rs.51799 for STCG of 32,4322.  How it is coming and how to avoid?

Requesting to help on emergency to file IT return. Thanks…