Thanks shashi,u know what u had given me same adviced as my friend has given to me,and i hv done that .....12 days ago.
I hv requested to sir that, please dont let me go alone 4 audit at this time(i was in office at that time for 7 days after completing 1st quarter audit)sir i will go after sm time with senior when they come after there exams are over and sir my one year is already completed and still i hv not done any returns,sir nw i wnt 2 learn office work also and even sir last tm when i was at statutory audit place u hv told me 2 go 4 internal audit of 1 st qrter, at d end of august so i miss out returns done in sept at that time(i hv told emotionally).
This all i hv told in d present of that article who is gvn better work and even she got frusted of this articleship since she has to sit in off 4 long hours and has to tolerate sir and sir's brother (as an sir's employer all time in office)
Then sir replied (by giving one smile) that u just dont worry u will be learned all type of works during this training period and even some returns are still pending will be given to you(but when????????)
i am still facing problem since one sept i hv already miss out and now on next sept i will be on leave for no chance for getting better work..............................Thanks a lot shashi for giving
me such a good advice.........Thanks to kaya also and sorry kaya for calling u maya in my earlier massage.