How one can treat stipend in his income tax Ass.????
PiyushAgrawal (Chartered acooutant in practice) (575 Points)
23 January 2009Hello,
How one can treat stipend in his income tax Ass.????
Ashish M
(Chartered Accountant)
(2731 Points)
Replied 23 January 2009
Stipend recieved is exempt under SEc. 10(16) of the income tax act........
"Sec.10(16) Scholarships granted to meet the costs of education."
Shudhanshu Agrawal
(2570 Points)
Replied 24 January 2009
yeah amount received as stipend are not included in the income
Stipend is not expressly exmept under the Act. Thus Stipend is certainly taxable income if it is purely being given in form of cost of living or as wages or salary or for any purpose but studies . However, if the Stipend granted is for furthering education or gaining knowledge , same can be claimed exempt u/s 10[16] of the I T act . In this regard the decision of the Karnataka High Court in A. Ratnakar v. Addl. CIT [1981] 128 ITR 527 can be applied.This was also followed by Tribunal in case of Income-tax Officer v. Dr. G.N. Ramachandran [1 ITD 902]