My Dear fellow colleagues......check sec. 39(2) of Chartered Accountants Regulation 1988, as per which, the council is empowered to revise the marks (from what the student has actually obtained, it could be an increase or decrease) of all the students or a section of the students in order to maintain the pass percentage. (i.e., overall pass % of all the students in an attempt)
Now the question arises, who decides whats the right percentage?? and on what basis??
The best part is, such power to the council has been given by our government......
When enquired with the institute, they say, they have never utilized such power to the advantage or disadvantage of a student on the basis of caste, religion, place etc. Which indirectly means, there could be some other basis or could have been random or uniform to all......
The only way that the institute can prove that wrong is by giving copies of the answer scriptts to the students and also disclosing the answer key (to check if it matches with the suggested answers given by the institute).....
I don't know why the institute is making such a fuss about it......they will have to give it one day or the other in order to prove they are transparent........ When institute is giving answer scriptts to students who have passed.....why not to those who have failed......
Mr. T.N. Manoharan has recently, in his visit to Erode, mentioned that the Institute is seriously thinking of providing the answer papers in order to bring in transperancy....
checkout this link:
Ironically a lot of faculty members of private coaching classes have given copies of such answer keys to the student.....
So why should only the students going to such coaching classes benefit from such information.....the Institute should be transperent in its approach in order to repose faith among the student community....
They problem of the student community is that, we don't have a strong student's union/association, which could stand united and be heard......everyone is scattered.....
The students can come up with much better ideas for a very good educational system......
The students are never taken into confidence when the course is altered or upgraded......
with more than 1 lakh students.....its high time we had a strong union, so that no one can take us for granted......
The institute should realize that there definitely is some problem with our education system....and thats why there is so much of resentment..... if there was no problem....there would not be large scale opposition....
If nothing improves, im sure one day the students will go on the streets protesting.....