Shocking Audit paper

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Prashant (CA Final) (271 Points)
Replied 13 May 2011

Raunak (CA Final) (227 Points)
Replied 13 May 2011

alrite...this paper was quite expected...!! 0 marks frm company audit..!!

lol it was funy tat that d question paper was only of 1 page...!!

paper was b com standard..remeber icai told they wil give only practical neva..

it was only theory...!! no single practical question...

by these papers it is quite evident tat they will test ur basics,concepts,whether u are thorough with WHOLE sylabus,ur nt doing SELECTIVE STUDYING,DO NOT GO BY COACHING CENTRES IMPORTANT STUFF..!

this series of papers is like a bonus to ppl who have studied their basics except Accounts n Tax for PCC (i am frm pcc)

these kinda papers come once in a while..!!


though my paper was good..i fear the correction is gonna be bad.. :(

Prashant (CA Final) (271 Points)
Replied 13 May 2011

Originally posted by : Swapnil Jain

@ destiny- i agree with you.... but that's CA... if u even commit a single mistake like I did...u get a 6 months hard trial

Anlytical review never go wrong.

it is the 99.9967 % chance that our review is go in proper manner.

Swapnil Jain (Finance - FP&A) (564 Points)
Replied 13 May 2011

audit toh chala gaya frnds....anyone having special comments regarding paper of IT SM....

Ritesh Indian Son[CMA*CS*CA] (" Simple Living High Thinking ")   (4117 Points)
Replied 13 May 2011

Originally posted by : Mansi Kotecha

M nt mch shocked......

i xpctd thus only, cz of other papers lyk law, cost fm nd taxation

paper was quite lengthy acc. 2 me n easy


Wat r ur views frnds????

 yaa paper was ques. nly asked....:)

kaustav (ca-final) (54 Points)
Replied 13 May 2011

hey guys plz tell me one thing im q no. 5(b) all u have discussed on CINEMA or cinema hall. plz share

Swapnil Jain (Finance - FP&A) (564 Points)
Replied 13 May 2011

Originally posted by : kaustav

hey guys plz tell me one thing im q no. 5(b) all u have discussed on CINEMA or cinema hall. plz share

for me, i wrote on cinema hall....

3 Like

Hardik Dave (IPCC and CS Professional(FINAL) Student)   (15533 Points)
Replied 13 May 2011

Paper is very But very long.
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mayank agarwal (CA fianlist BCOM(H) CS student )   (577 Points)
Replied 13 May 2011

paper of PCC was "halwa"

Replied 13 May 2011

paper was nt at all tough fr yes they have nt asked any practical questions frm imp chapters...that was nt expected.still hoping to get 55 up

Replied 13 May 2011

hey it was cinema hall only...i wrote that

Aditya Dubey (Blissfully Umemployed) (36 Points)
Replied 13 May 2011

The paper seems to be relatively easy and balanced. Any person who has actually conducted a few audits and has decent language skills should manage to do really well. Also, I'd just like to mention one point to all my friends here. It's the ICAI, at least as far as Auditing and Assurance is concerned there is no higher or alternative body in the country. Let them be the best judge of what is important and what should be asked.

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APOORV SAXENA (Chartered Accountant) (794 Points)
Replied 13 May 2011

what i feel is the paper was not a difficult one......if any student has studied through padhuka, he will definately get good marks but someway i ll blame institute for such paper as for last 2-3 attempts they are giving stress and advising students to do practical questions as paper will going to be practical oriented !! Its just playing with students lyf !!

1 Like

Shalini Nayyar (Student) (365 Points)
Replied 13 May 2011

Originally posted by : Raunak
alrite...this paper was quite expected...!! 0 marks frm company audit..!!
lol it was funy tat that d question paper was only of 1 page...!!
paper was b com standard..remeber icai told they wil give only practical neva..
it was only theory...!! no single practical question...
by these papers it is quite evident tat they will test ur basics,concepts,whether u are thorough with WHOLE sylabus,ur nt doing SELECTIVE STUDYING,DO NOT GO BY COACHING CENTRES IMPORTANT STUFF..!

this series of papers is like a bonus to ppl who have studied their basics except Accounts n Tax for PCC (i am frm pcc)
these kinda papers come once in a while..!!
though my paper was good..i fear the correction is gonna be bad.. :(

exactly .... i also think dat checking is goin to be strict ... though my  paper was fine

Replied 14 May 2011

the paper was quite easy and not at all lengthy. The questions from chapters other than co. Audit have always been straight fwd in previous exams also. There was nothing unexpected.

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