Poonawalla fincorps
Poonawalla fincorps

Poverty and Malnutrition

Page no : 2

U S Sharma (glidor@gmail.com) (21056 Points)
Replied 27 May 2011

@ Sasanka

@ sumeetra


Here is a short incident i have seen in my life, (kolkata, west bengal, india)

From sealdah to ultadanga, both sides of railway lines are occupied by sums/huts ( beyond that also, its map of india that every railway line is occupied with such huts and slums)

in 1976-81, in CIT scheme VI and VII, slum families have been displaced with their huts and they have been awarded with one room flats at various places within 4-5 kms vincity of their original place. and railway started to make plan of develop their lands to utilize it for civic amenities.

in late 80's and 81, we found ( almost after 6-7 months of their allotment) that all families are back to slum/huts and a bigger slum developed. reason............? they were pavement hawkers and they are unhappy to travel 4-5 kms to open their pavement shops. so they rented the flats to somebody ( that time rent was not too much and they hardly get tenents, but they managed), and back to old place, coz they are not ready to move some distance for their earning, they want everything at doorstep.

We were kids and we usually go to play in nearby grounds, when we tried to get their reason , why they are living in such places, we did not belived .................as per them most of them were farmers and have house and farming land in villages, but they have to work hard in farming and then they can feed their hunger, while in cities like kolkata (calcutta that time) they could make stalls at any public place with some political help and make easy money without paying a single penny as tax.

 New generation is getting educated, they measure the world in days and hours travel, but are they able to make these people understand that they have ability to run small business in village also? why such pressure on cities ? every month almost every city is getting overcrowded with freshers ( unless some raj thakrey drive them back), govt has provided them swarojgar, annadoye, shikha mitra, etc etc

Rem human heart and water level always try to find lows to sustain and stabilize.

How much we are responsible for this situation ..........now come to point.........

We have to look at our home 1st, we need domestic help , maids and servants, but when its time to pay them, do we pay them enough to maintain their minimum needs in a city? you will get the reply .............. where they will go ? 

incident two ......... when we move for market to take daily grocery / vegetable, how many of us go inside the market and buy it? more than half takes from pavement with bargain and return, in that situation also the pavement shopkeeper is gainer, coz he does not have to move much from his slum for this business, and end of day he will enjoy his glass of country spirit.

It looks good to talk on public forums on such issues, but when it comes to practical how many of us come forward? ask to self , in whole life how many times we visited an orphange? how many times we visited any old age home? how many times we given our one working day ( not money, but physical appearance) for development of society? even how many of us donated blood?

blaming government or anybody else is very easy task, coz we try to prove that its not our duty but of government to control the situation, but have we co-operated government for a moment even on the issue? have we asked our domestic help to take enough to live in standard rooms? have we asked our parents not to promote the pavement shops? why we should..we look at our money, we shall pay less and will "publish lecture" on the pity of such human beings, whose genuine shares were digested in way by govt machinery (rem the govt machinery is run with our relatives) . Have you guts to ask your relative who is in govt service to stop corruption............








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Sasanka Bhalaki (Student) (1935 Points)
Replied 27 May 2011

Abosuletly right sir..we are encouraging the all these ..but do..i don't think so pavement shops will create a problem of all these things..i have somany people who are in this pavement shops and after business are getting back to their villages..and comming in the morning..but they are not creating slums..and mainly formation of slums are because of non availability of basic necessities..like hospitals..etc..since they will be available more in cities and towns peolpe are forming such slums..

comming to the domestic servants..everyone is paying a better amount according to the work done by them.and it is too much that paying more to the work not done..every domestic servant is treated as their family memeber and help a lot..but now a days they are in the demanding position..this is not in our hands in that to clear all their needs by paying them what they required ..because everyone will have their expenditure..

but for the solution on clearing poverty wil be jointly in the hands of people and goverment..because without government support people only can't bring thechange..


Well explained friends……..


All explanation is about past and present happenings. In my opinion , mere discussion regarding these things is not at all help to help them out. So any of us have to take any initiative. What say.


I heard that there are some clubs who are working for these kinda of situations.

One of that is Rotary club , you know what that club do…… Every Saturday all the members of that club come together at some place and they discuss what happening around us like municipal roads are not good or people suffering from lack of water or electricity problem at their areas or living at slum areas  and participating in health care over them blab la bla…..


Importance of that club:




For example , If it is  a municipal issue which rain water is not flowing and people are facing problem a lot with that, then one of that area called to municipal corporation or send the letters regarding the issues then do you think they will respond and take a necessary corrective action --- No…..Not at all…… Rotary club will come into picture at some of the cases like these… If members of that club make a call or send a letter or anything on that issue then response will come very soon. Such a importance the club have.


Still they conduct meetings and conduct discussions etc…. I too don’t know clearly the activities and actions of the club..


My suggestion is rather to discuss on past events , participation and helping can serve some extent.. This is mere my opinion and please correct me if i am wrong.


My heartful thanks to sasank to select such  a great thought and topic for discuss here and tonn thanks to drag the attention of all our CCI members....


Thanks & Regards,


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I think we should do things what ever we can from our side........

I have a strong belief that any development is in the hands of YOUTH only, initivates should take part from us atleast......

Come on friends share your thoughts too here.....

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Sasanka Bhalaki (Student) (1935 Points)
Replied 28 May 2011

Thanks Jayasri..i too belive in the same that any development is in the hands of youth  of the nation..i wold like to tell what i used to do..just go to the people in the slums,,finding their problem..if it is in our hands we can do..or approaching any NGO finding out the problems and joining with them and helping the poor.because as Jayasri said no one will respond if we go in single..if we go with a team..we can achieve it..

Shumeetra Bhattacharya (CA Final) (130 Points)
Replied 28 May 2011

@ US Sharma

@ sasanka

Thank u sir for sharing ur thoughts..

i totally support u wen u say dat wen we are discussing about dese issues on public forum we should have the courage to really take the initiative on ourselves and not make only empty speeches...

me being from Kolkata have a very gud idea about da social scenarion that u have rightly mentioned...

Here people are mostly influenced by the interference of the political parties and any kind of decision or action has to be approved by those parties in order to remain in their good books...

It is also true that here people are very self-centered and are concerned about only themselves before thinking about others...this leads them to taking advantage over the weaker sections for their personal gains...here even a small hawker is looking for earning some easy money where he dosent have to bear any maintenance chagres, costs to keep a hygienic environment etc...he just sets up a stall beside a busy road wid da approval of a local politically dominant representative and carries on his business worth even thosands of rupees just at da expense of  other members of the society...

Now coming to the topic of domestic helps....i must say wid due respect to them,who r working all day at peoples' houses, cleaning floors, washing clothes,washing utensils...and all other such chores...that nowadays they have more or less taken their employers for granted...today they are the ones who suggest their salaries, they are the ones who boldly ask for a payrise....well here we cannot really blame them...because they are the ones who really have to struggle against the high inflation rates of basic necessities...this is a hands on experience that we get right from our homes and from here we should try to do our bit to save these people from scarcity....its us who can help them on our own accord and before they themselves ask for the same....

Now i wud like to share an experience that i gathered regarding an NGO....

At the end of the December quarter of 2010 i was sent by my firm to an NGO for conducting da quarterly internal audit...it was SOS Childrens' Village which is an international orphanage having branches all over the world..I must say that my visit to the village has been a very learning experience and after interacting with the children and their guardians i felt very much touched that there are really people in the society who have a kind heart and sacrificed their lives to help these unfortunate children so that they may have a bright future.

Looking into the revenue earned by this NGO, i also found that their are numerous patrons for this cause and the number is growing...donations of all kind...foreign,local,government, even individual persons are attached to this organization and are consistently helping the same...i was very much touched by this experience and im very happy to share...

 So the inference that i wud like to draw is that all of us have not yet backed out...there are sum souls who do want to come forward and help...its just that we need to share the same encouragement and self-less will to see a better tomorrow...i am optimistic and i believe that we can really make some difference to the rigid and selfish society if we want to...

Thank u so much for reading:)

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Sasanka Bhalaki (Student) (1935 Points)
Replied 28 May 2011

Shumeetra Bhattacharya

yes if we start from our side..we will definetly achieve it..for sure..

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Yes sasank, if we come and join together we will definitely achieve, atleast by seeing the initiatives handed over by the students some may realise and some more joining hands may come forward.

And all of us think generally, what i can do alone without any support and c-operation.. So i would like to say that unless and until any of us take  a initiative from our side nobody will come and join and just ignore by listening the speeches and all and went to their work as usual.

Originally posted by : Sasanka Bhalaki

Shumeetra Bhattacharya

yes if we start from our side..we will definetly achieve it..for sure..
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And i see some of the daily wage earners who will work day long even they are not healthy.... I thought at them cant i do any thing for them from my side... but i didnt get any idea and helpless even i wish to help out.....

Instead paying the money more to them i could not do anything..... On that day my tears rollen down to see them,,, in what a situation they are living......I felt so bad....

Plz friends lets us do something for them......


Thank you.

Sasanka Bhalaki (Student) (1935 Points)
Replied 28 May 2011

Yes we can do by purchasing them daily groceries..helping their children in education..or if we have any influence providing for their men..anything..

Shumeetra Bhattacharya (CA Final) (130 Points)
Replied 28 May 2011

yes...any small jesture from our side will help..anything...we only need to have the desire to improve the society...

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Sasanka Bhalaki (Student) (1935 Points)
Replied 28 May 2011

so thanks guys ..we got an idea..and i beleive that everyone will make it..i hope we will be part of eradicating poverty..thanks for joining..we wil discuss another nice topic from tommorow..

thank you all,

Sasanka Bhalaki.

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Hardik Dave (IPCC and CS Professional(FINAL) Student)   (15533 Points)
Replied 28 May 2011

Thanku for sharing .smile.

Namrata (Spirutial Being) (1841 Points)
Replied 28 May 2011

I really support this campaing

i just cant control my anger after reading this post

thanks sasanka for this eye opener article

CMA. CS. Sanjay Gupta ("PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN")   (114220 Points)
Replied 29 May 2011

Read All the discussion....Very nice thought shared by all....But hope we dont forget these issue after some days...Addressing these issue needs effort, individually and Collectively....Action will be more helpful than reaction....

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