Please support the PEII students -Share your opinions

Page no : 7

Prateek (B.Com(H) PGDBA CA Final)   (436 Points)
Replied 02 June 2010

valid point said by vaibhav ask them for Starting of Articleship for those who have any of the groups of PE II


yes it should be implemented by icai to allow articleship who cleared any group as wellas the training should not be so long

Nitin Moudgil (~) (694 Points)
Replied 02 June 2010

passing percentage is ok

another think we can ask is to give relaxation in article starting condition... student should be allowed to start article even if they have passed any group in PE2 not IPCC

Nitin Moudgil (~) (694 Points)
Replied 02 June 2010

that 12 month rule which we had in pe2 should also be given when converted to IPCC

ashish (pursuing pgdm & ca) (62 Points)
Replied 02 June 2010

@ vaibhav...i undsnd what u want 2 say...u want articleshp 2b start for students who have cleared atlst one of the grp of PE II..fine no issues with that..As far as performance is concerned we all are trying 2 give our level best..just imagine if the passing rate remains the same as usual and institute gives its consent 2 start articleshp n all for students who have cleared one grp,but what is the benefit to us if the passing rate remains the same..At one end we will be doing our articlshp and at the other end we keep on trying for number of attempts.

What i mean 2 say is Tampering with marks shud be stopped....n WHY passing rate is so low compare to PCC/IPCC...Majorly only those students are clearing PEII (as per d currrent scenario).if they gt exemption in any of d paper.But others,they are in the same position......

I might even wrng regarding my views and thoughts,but brother just give a the end of the day what actually matters...Increasing the passing rate so that more people can clear PEII or give exemption regarding d articleshp which you are sayin when d rate is again remain d same....

And if we fight for both of the issues,and if institute consider both of them..then it can be a hope for us to gt thru with CA.


Ashish Maheshwari

Shravan (student) (42 Points)
Replied 02 June 2010

People.....there is no certain way in which we can ask the ICAI to stop tampering with marks...Is there any proof with us, that ICAI is tampering marks..I dont think that  ICAI will have time to explain us the reason for the low passing rates in PEII..we must be reasonable in what we are going to ask so as to be heard by them...or else they will consider our case as a case of self-pity.....

Other demands for which many of  you agreed like, allowing to sit for Final in the last 12 months of articleship to be carried forward to IPCC sounds reasonable and may be considered by the Inst.        

Pranjal (Student CA IPC / IPCC) (531 Points)
Replied 03 June 2010

It seems everyone has agreed to the idea of sending our suggestions to the Institute in the light of proposed changes in CA Regulations will b best option available.With the change of guard we can expect change of heart also.Anyway regarding what suggestions we should made,I would support d idea of maintaining a level playing option for students of all levels which I believe will automatically end partiality with students of a particular level/course.Secondly tampering with marks which is there in the CA Regulations to maintain the market demand should be done away with.That section I think is discriminatory in nature,an undue advantage taken by the Institute because of its autonomous nature.If someone challenges the Institute in a court of law on that issue I think it won't have much points in defence.Please share your thoughts regarding these suggestions.

vaibhav (student) (131 Points)
Replied 03 June 2010

Why every one is sleeping today....

ashish (pursuing pgdm & ca) (62 Points)
Replied 03 June 2010

@ vaibhav: even i was thinking d same.....

vaibhav (student) (131 Points)
Replied 03 June 2010

Best thing to demand is let us appeared in PCC and consider Group I or II equvilient to IPCC Group I & let us start artical we dont have to pay two group exames...only burdan of late final we have to bare ,but at list artical will start..

Nitin Moudgil (~) (694 Points)
Replied 03 June 2010

not sleeping... but i think people are thinking for that new noification of ICAI...

ronak (-) (25 Points)
Replied 03 June 2010

Hi.. I am also a PE2 student..... I think posting views within ourselves will create nothing.... We need it to post to ICAI President & the other responsible persons who may  make a change for us students and consider our issue as a matter of concern.

Today onwards Bindaas post letters to foll email ids..... i have too done it previously sending a serious letter to President , they replied my options are againts the rules of ICAI. I dont have the original soft copy but following is an extract (file attached). Following are the E-mail IDs( post letters, greivances and suggestions in lot):



president @

Vice President

vicepresident @


secretary @

PS to President

psp @

PS to Secretary

pss @


Attached File : 49 letter.rtf downloaded: 205 times

Nitin Moudgil (~) (694 Points)
Replied 03 June 2010

nice letter ronak.... you highlighted every point.... hope they will think in this respect

Pranjal (Student CA IPC / IPCC) (531 Points)
Replied 04 June 2010

What happened to everyone?.Till yesterday we were getting 3/4 posts daily on this issue but today this one will be the first one.I think everyone has agreed to drop the idea of approaching the media for the time being or till we let our grivences known to the Institute.But we can't afford to loose time as well as the oppurtunity given by the Institute in seeking suggestions to simplify the CA regulations.Somedays back I wrote to Vivek M,CA who is an active member here to follow our discussions here & to suggest how we should present our case before the Institute,let's see what he has to suggest.I would request you all to please ask other professionals from caclubindia to do the same.Now we've to finalise the mail to be sent to the Institute suggesting changes which would be in the interest of PEII students & the students' community at large.

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Kalpesh Chauhan, (Tax Assistant (Accounting Technician CA FINAL CS PROF. PROG. B.Com))   (8311 Points)
Replied 04 June 2010

Hey Pranjal what should we do?

I think mail created by Ronak should be sent by each and evey student of PE-II community.

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