i fail to pay FBT for the Third Qtr As i was not register for Direct online taxes through bank & i will pay the Tax in the month of Feb 2009 than how much penalty i has to pay can any one tell me
M.Sriram Shenoy
(CA Final)
(814 Points)
Replied 24 December 2008
Mr.Sitaram, I guess you are talking about payment of Advance FBT in instalments. The penalty would be in the form of interest. The calculation of such interest is the same as interest u/s.234 C.
Sripada M
(365 Points)
Replied 24 December 2008
You have to pay 1% interest per month of delay.
FBT advance tax has to be paid u/s115WJ, otherwise interest should to be remitted to the Government.