I wrote the following e-mail to the BOS Noida 10 days ago......
Dear Sir,
I am a PEII student.
Now that the last attempt of PEII is over, and is assumed that PEII no longer continues to exist, I would like to know as to how the students of PEII will be accommodated in any of the continuing schemes of CA. So far the conversion to IPCC was optional.
But now If the PEII stream has been shut down then the ICAI must come out with a specific official announcement regarding the rules for conversion of all PEII students.
If there is any further extension of PEII, the same should also be made clear and be announced at the earliest possible time as we already had our due share of facing suspenses.
I acknowledge the various initiatives taken by ICAI so far to accommodate the students of PEII.
However, the kind of encouragement and ease of rules that our peers of parallel streams like PCC and IPCC have enjoyed at the begining of their study career in terms of flexible articleship pattern is making us feel insecure. After all we all are in the same domain.
We, the PEII students are not asking you to make it easy for us as we are professional minded too but, our request is that you should consider a scheme of transition such that we all are on one level playing field.
Given the articleship pattern of the PCC students, we are no where closer to them. While we dont get to commence our articleship despite coming from PEI/graduation background(which was considered as an entry level exam then), many of the Pcc students have already completed their articleship tenure after passing CPT(which is the entry level exam now) but, even without passing atleast a paper in PCE. While their time spent is valued ours' is not given any weightage.
IPCC was framed correcting the grave mistake of PCC. But, no compensatory relief was given to PEII students till date and we are made to start our articleship only after passing all the six papers even while PCC students were enjoying the un-warranted advantage. Isnt that unfair??
Although 6 months relaxation was given to Final students who came through PEII, it only helps a Final student but not a PEII student. The very objective of creatig a level playing field would not be achieved.
We are still hanging on for the utter respect that we have got for this profession and so far when compared to the preceeding old CA Inter and the succeeding PCC/IPCC, we have been made to take the toughest route.
Please throw some light in our way. Hoping for some understanding.
Thanking you.
Dear Student,
Students after discontinuation of PE-II exam have to convert to IPCC exam. In order to have continuity of their attempt, students so converted were relaxed 9 months study course period as per the announcement dated 5th Feb. 2010 (link: https://www.icai.org/post.html?post_id=5453&c_id=121) but these students have to complete their 100 hours IT training and 35 hours Orientation Programme before appearing for the first time in IPCC exam.
Students who have passed one of the group in erstwhile Intemediate (para 2A of schedule B)/ PE-II/PCC will get paper wise exemption (and not group wise exemption) have to appear and pass remaining papers under "Unit Scheme".
As per IPCC Regultions, student can start his/ her articled training for 3 years on passing minimum Group I of IPCC exam. (PCE route students articled training is 3 and half years).
Hope above will clarify the position.
I personally dont believe that the ICAI manipulates the result.....and any stuff like that.
We had the option to convert to IPCC all the while and it was our judgement to not to go for it.
Age i guess is the reason for most of the frustration of PEII students. At an age where they are expected to make some livelihood and support their social needs PEII students are still at the PEII level...Not every one will have the cushion to afford this.
This was not my first e-mail to them either.....But i only learnt to live with it....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Appreciate the initiative.