Kalpesh Sir,
What would the coaching class do for transfer problem?
I thank you for your free advice, but I never asked you for the same and I seriously dont need it. I work with the a reputed firm and everyone is treated very well here.
Its just that I dont want other students to get trapped in the transfer rules and suffer like thousands of students are suffering today. Since last many years, everyone has thought like you, that is why lot of things have remain unchanged. People thought that earlier generations suffered, we will suffer. No one bothered to fight back and create a revolution. But those days are gone and very soon you will see the changes. For any kind of progress, one must recognise the need to change (if required) and deal with it effectively. Those who are not able to manage and deal with changes get wiped out.
Guys, what can I say about a person who proudly says that he feels powerful than an ordinary accountant???? I dont think any of you would like to compare yourselves with ordinary accountants. Even an ordinary accountant would like to think big. It was funny to know that CAs approve fortune 500 list!!!!
I value time and articleship both. If you see other forums, you fill find that I have always been of the view that one must undergo regular articleship and you will also find that I have tried to inspire others for the same.
This forum is not as impure/manipulated as the financials which CAs have been signing so this forum does not need any reply from particularly any CA and thus is open to all.