There was a rumour in the market that the CA results are controlled or to be precise manipulated in tune with the market demand. Some agreed while others mostly those who have acquired the coveted degree disagree. But after going through Section 39 of Chartered Accountants' Regulation,1988 the rumour becomes certain.It states that that the Result of Exams should be declared in the following Manner
1. (a) A list of candidates declared successful at each examination shall be published
(b) The names of candidates obtaining distinction in the examination shall be indicated in the list
(c) Every candidate shall be individually informed of his result.
2. The Council may, in its discretion, REVISE THE MARKS obtained by all candidates or a section of candidates in any particular paper or papers or in the aggregate in such manner as may be considered necessary, for maintaining the standards of pass percentage provided in these Regulations.
I'm not posting the message to create confusion in the minds of my fellow students. I'm just seeking the opinions of all regarding the issue. The opinions of members will be most welcomed.