Situation is quite different in our case. It is a very small Housing Co-operative Society consisting of only 8 members all retired government officers. It is like a senior citizens' home.
We do not have any auditor.
We ourselves keep the books of accounts. Each year Co-operative department of Govt of West Bengal send an auditor to audit accounts of the Society.
This year we are facing some problems which are very simple I believe to a professional, but we (particularly I being secretary of the Society) can not sort out.
I just want answer to a simple question which will be clear to you if you go through the descripttion below.
May I seek your help?
This year's auditor will come soon. Before that I will have to keep everything ready.
"Ours is a very small registered CHS consisting of 8 members who live in 8 flats with family. All the members are retired government officers. We prepare accounts of the Society ourselves without any professional help as it is very simple without any complex matter. Every year an auditor is sent by state government Co-operative department to audit accounts according to Co-operative Act of West Bengal government. The land on which the building stands was allotted to the Society by the state government some 25 years ago. Members contributed to the Society at that time for construction of the building.
Fixed assets of the Society are the following items:
A Lift and
4.some furniture
Current assets are
Cash in hand
Cash in Bank saving account
Fixed deposits
Total asset is sum total of fixed and current assets on the last day of each FY, i,e, 31st March
(Note: We do not take into account depreciation of the fixed assets like building, lift and furniture because their value will become nil after so many years if formula for depreciation is applied.
Land, of course does not depreciate, it appreciates)
Liabilities are the following items:
Issued and paid up share capital
Members' deposit for construction of the building 25 years ago 3. Arrear audit fee and
Accumulated surplus from income over expenditure over the years (Income exceeds expenditure almost every year)
Source of income are
members' monthly fixed amount of maintenance charge for running the Society
SB interest
Sale proceeds of old discarded items like plumbing materials occasionally
Expenditures are
Wages of security and sweeper
Electricity charges
3.Minor repairs
4.Miscellaneous purchases
5.Audit fee
We maintain A cash book, ledgers, voucher register etc.
We prepare for audit the following accounts
Cash account
Income-expenditure account and
Balance sheet
Now, my query is whether total assets should be equal to total liabilities every year in balance sheet?
Is it not possible that assets exceed liabilities in some years ? If so, how and where to show it?"