Is dreaming injurious to health ..........???????

SANYAM ARORA (“It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.”)   (20168 Points)

09 September 2011  

                                                   "   Is Dreaming injurious to Health ..........???????  "

Hey friends - A Very bright morning to all of you " May you have a cozzy day ".  Friends today i will debate on a very crucial topic " Is Dreaming Injurious to health ...........? ".

My Answer to this question will be A Big No . Dreaming is not at all injurious to health, Infact It is the first step toward success.

I know a lot will contradict to this statement, as they might think that one who only dreams can never achieve success.I will agree to you all also but a solution to this is " Dream but work on it ". Dont worry i will explain this statement.

Dreaming is not bad but only dreaming and not running after it is reaally injurious. One can only achieve his dreams only when he runs after it, it means if you dream then work very hard to achieve it.

Make out the necessary plans and implement on it right from today itself to achieve your goals. So never miss a single oppurtunity in life as it is said that " There are no free lunches in life ". No body will come to you to offer, its upto you how you avail it !

"Dreams are extremely important. You can?t do it unless you imagine it."


"It's the independant American spirit that built this country - hard-working entrepreneurs who believe in the reality of their dreams."

"Keep your heart open to dreams. For as long?as there's a dream, there is hope, and as long?as there is hope, there is joy in living."

"I don't dream at night, I dream all day; I dream for a living."