intelligent question. any one can solve?
Vijay Boliya (220 Points)
20 November 2018Vijay Boliya (220 Points)
20 November 2018
Vibha Trivedi
(437 Points)
Replied 20 November 2018
(350 Points)
Replied 03 December 2018
Use of terms Preceding Financial Year and Immediately Preceding Financial Year
Preceding Financial Year is used when law wants to refer to previous year with more than one previous years. For example Query as to enclosing balance sheets of preceding three finacial years and so on. (Kind of, Plural)
Immediately Preceding Financial Year is used when law wants to refer to previous year. For example Query as to enclosing balance sheets of immediately preceding finacial year and so on. (Kind of, Singualar)
Thank You.