Income tax - tips to study -salary -series 1

satish (Service) (901 Points)

15 February 2012  

Dear Students,

In my endeavour to support the Aspirant IPCC students - I will try to be regular in continuing the post . I will make sure to write atleast 2 post a week relevant to the knowledge and examinations.

As we prepare for the exams - income tax is considered as vast subject and more often we landup before the exam days with lots of doubts and confused in a way to represent the sections,concept & case laws. So how do we simplify this learning as we refer the Best authors /teachers who help you in classes . It start with equal committment from your side that you decide to "Love" the subject you are learning during the CA course that way the committment and passion sets in.

Salaries :

1. Understand the Basis of charge. This is covered in Section 15

2. Definition of Salary : Section 17

Remember key words ...The definitions are "Inclusive Definitions" . Salary 17(i),Perquisites17(ii) & Profit in lieu of Salary (17(iii))

Always try to ask questions > What, Why, When, How<,

What is Salary - What can this include -- Talk to few of elders in your family as to understand from them what they have in thier payroll - This will be a good start for you to like this chapter. and you can become Tax consultant for salaried professional as you master this chapter :)

What is an Allowance ? What is difference between Allowance & Perquisite ? Does salary include Allowances, If so what ?  What are taxable Allowances ? What are non taxable ? Are there limites to Taxable allowances

Remember allowances by and categorize them to Taxable & Limits( ex: children education - Rs 100 for max of 2 children.)

HRA - Section 10(13A)

What are allowance allowed under Section 10(14)

Special Allowances

Personal Allowances


Perquisite can be classified under - Provided, Paid & Payable.   Provided - For ex - Rent free Accomodation, so if you read the dfinition of perquisite you can

Read in the order of Rules 3(1) to 3(7) - Income Tax rules. and master the Rules and understand the limits

Other exemptions for salaries

Gratuity Section 10(10) > This is given by employer to employee in Appreciation of your work <. There needs to be relation of employer/employee

Things to consider :  

Government Employee, Employee covered under Payment of Gratuity Act 1972, Other employee

Government employee  - Any receipt is tax free

Employee under payment of Gratuity act : Remember max limit Rs 10 lakhs, Days to consider 15/26, Salary ( Basic, DA,Commission). Salary definition is same as HRA

Other employee : Remember this has 15/30, Need to know Average salary  - and this is computed for past 10 months

Gratuity if received by legal heir will be taxed under head Income from other sources

Pension Section 10(10A)> This is given as Reward for longe period of work <

 First classification - Commuted or Uncommuted pension

Uncommuted pension received by any employee (Including government) is taxable

Commuted pension - Government employee not taxable

For others need to consider if he has received any payment under Payment of Gratuity Act, if so then only 1/3rd of total pension is exempt, else 1/2 or 50% of total pension received is exempt

Leave Salary Section 10(10AA)

This can be received while in continuity of service and also at the time of Retirement or death


I will continue the salary discussion in next thread later this week ...Keep watching this space and I will be happy to assist all of you any ways -  You can write to me email at   satmai45 @

About myself:  15+ Experience in Corporate industry, Now a part time passionate teacher,mentor & coach  and plan to write finance blogs for students & exam oriented tips, 

Bangalore Students who are looking for small batch support can reach out at satmai45 @ Currently batch underway for May 12 exams.



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