BALASUBRAMANYA B Npro badge (CCI STUDENT....) (44682 Points)

15 June 2009  

1. Eligibility for Direct Admission to Intermediate Course

(a) A graduate degree Examination in any discipline of any recognized University and
(b) Not less than Eighteen years of age. Incumbents appeared and awaiting for the result of Degree examination may apply for provisional registration.

2. Eligibility for Admission to Foundation Course:

(a) Passed the Senior Secondary School Examination under 10+2 scheme of a recognized Board and
(b) Completed Seventeen years of age. Incumbents appeared and awaiting the result of 10+2 examination may apply for appearing in Foundation Course Examination.

Cut-off Dates for Enrollment:
Enrollment to Intermediate/Foundation Course is open throughout the year. However, the candidates must enrolled at least six months prior to the month in which such examination commences.
Thus the cut-off dates for enrollment are as follows:-
For December Examination 15th June
For June Examination 15th December of the preceding year


For registration of a person as a student of the institute either he/she has to obtain direct registration or pass the foundation course examination.

Admission to the Foundation Course Examination

Every person applying for admission the foundation Course Examination shall be required to apply the form prescribed by the Council for the purpose and produce evidence to the satisfaction of the council that he has

  1. completed seventeen years of age on the date of his application and
  2. passed the senior secondary school examination under the 10+2 scheme of a recognised board or an examination recognised by the Central Government as equivalent thereto or has passed the National diploma in Commerce examination held by the All India Council of Technical Education or any state board of technical education under the authority of the said all India council, or the diploma in rural service examintion conducted by the national council of Higher Education or the Examinations mentioned in Appendix "B".
  3. required to produce a certificate from the Director of Studies or Head of the Coaching Administration (by whatever name designated) to the effect that he has undergone satisfactorily a course of postal or oral tuition for the Foundation Course Examination.

Provisional Admission to the foundation course Examination

Incumbents waiting for the result of 10+2 examination or equivalent examination may apply for appearing in the foundation course Examination in the prescribed form to the respective regional council. They should submit the pass result to the Directorate of Examinations through the regional council within a period of three months from the date application so that their result of foundation Course examination be released in time. Failure to submit the pass result within the prescribed time amounts to cancellation of the foundation course result of the affected candidates and forfieture of the examination fee paid.

4. Structure of the Foundation Course

Paper 1 Organisation and Management Fundamentals
Paper 2 Financial Accounting Fundamentals
Paper 3 Economics and Business Fundamentals
Paper 4 Business Mathematics and Statistics Fundamentals

Fee, Paper and syllabus for the Foundation Course Examination

The students desirous of appearing in the Foundation Course Examination are required to enrol themselves for coaching either Postal or Oral. The candidates enrolled for undergoing postal or oral tuition for the Foundation Course Examination at least six months prior to the month in which such examination commences, that is to say, if an examination commences in December (after 15th of calendar year), the candidate enrolled for undergoing postal or oral coaching up to and including June 15th of that calendar year shall be eligible and he is required to produce a certificate from the Director of Studies or Head of the Coaching Administration (by whatever name designated) to the effect that he has undergone satisfactorily a course of postal or oral tuition for the Foundation Course Examination. The scale of fee for the students of Foundation Course undergoing Postal and Fees for the Foundation Course has been tentatively fixed as follows: Postal Coaching Fee : Rs. 800 per student Oral Coaching Fee : Rs 1000 per student (inclusive of cost of 4 Study Notes to be supplied by the HQ) The last date of submission of examination forms for the Foundation Course to the respective regional council is 15th April and 25th October for June and December term of examinations respectively.


A person desirous of becoming a Registered Student is to apply to the Institute in the prescribed From I, with appropriate fees and to produce documentary evidence to the satisfaction of the Council that he / she:

1. Is not less that 18 years of age on the date of his application; and
2. Has passed any of the following Examinations:

A graduate degree examination of any recognised University or equivalent
An honours graduate degree examination of any recognised University.
A Master Degree Examina Eligibility for Direct Admission to Intermediate Course

(a) A graduate degree Examination in any discipline of any recognized University and
(b) Not less than Eighteen years of age. Incumbents appeared and awaiting for the result of Degree examination may apply for provisional registration.

Eligibility for Admission to Foundation Course:
(a) Passed the Senior Secondary School Examination under 10+2 scheme of a recognized Board and
(b) Completed Seventeen years of age. Incumbents appeared and awaiting the result of 10+2 examination may apply for appearing in Foundation Course Examination.

Cut-off Dates for Enrollment: Enrollment to Intermediate/Foundation Course is open throughout the year. However, the candidates must enrolled at least six months prior to the month in which such examination commences. Thus the cut-off dates for enrollment are as follows:-

For December Examination 15th June

For June Examination 15th December of the preceding year
tion of any recognised University or any of the Indian Institute of Management;

An Engineering Graduate Degree Examination of any recognised Unviersity or any of the Indian Institute of Technology or the Indian Institute of Science; Those who do not have the above qualification, but passed ten +2 examination, shall pass a foundation course examination before entry as a student for Intermediate Examination.


  1. Every person applying for registration as a student is to pay a student registration fee of Rs.300.
  2. For registration, students should fill in the Form I and also the identity card duly signed and completed in every respect.
  3. Remittance of Registration Fees shall be made through the specified branches of the State Bank of India (SBI) as mentioned in the reverse side of the pink coloured challan provided by the Institute or through Demand Draft drawn on only scheduled bank favouring "The Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India" payable at Kolkata. Payment by cash or by any other mode is not acceptable.
  4. The application form is to be submitted to the respective Regional Council excepting DeNovo registration cases.

Registration "DE NOVO"

A student whose registration has been cancelled on account of his/her failure of complete the Intermediate and Final Examinations within a period of seven years from the date of his/her registration, may if he/she so desires, apply for DE NOVO registration in the Prescribed Form "I" and on his/her application being granted he/she be deemed for all purposes to have been admitted as a DE NOVO registered student except that he/she shall be entitled to exemption from the individual subjects of the Intermediate or Final Examination, both for Coaching and Examination as the case may be, previously secured by him under his former registration. The benefit of "DE NOVO" Registration may be availed of only once. Granting of "DE NOVO" Registration shall be at the discretion of the Director of Studies in case of those who have already availed the benefit of "DE NOVO" Registration once.

Registration Afresh

A student whose registration has been cancelled on account of his/her failure to appear at least in one stage of the Intermediate Examination within three years from the date of his registration, may, if he/she so desires, apply for Afresh Registration in the prescribed Form I and on his/her application being granted he/she shall be entitled to exemption from the individual subject(s) of the Intermediate Examination both for Coaching and Institute's Examination as the case may be, previously secured by him/her under his/her former registration.

A fresh registration subsequent to cancellation of original registration under rule 2.5(b) shall not absolve from the liability of Rule 2.5(a). Either in case of DE NOVO registration or registration afresh a student is required to pay Rs.300/- Re-registration fee with his/her application in Form I.

Where to apply for Registration

A candidate seeking registration as a student should send his application for registration to the respective regional council. The addresses of each regional council are given below.

    Rohit Chambers, Janmabhoomi Marg, Mumbai 400 001
    Ph. No. 2287-2010, 2204-3416/06, 2284-1138
    Fax no. 91-022-22870763
    e-mail: wircicwa @ bom3.vsnl.net.in
    4 (old no 65) Montieth Lane, Egmore, Chennai 600 008
    Ph. No. 2855-4443/4326, 2872-2772
    Fax No. 91-044-28554651
    e-mail: srcicwai @ giasmd01.vsnl.net.in
    84, Harish Mukherjee Road, Kolkata 700 025
    Ph. No. 2455-3418/5957,
    Fax No. 91-033-24553418
    3, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003
    Ph. No. 2461-5788, 2462-6678, 2464-4630/4692/4430
    Fax No. 91-011-24622156,
    e-mail: icwai_nirc @ hotmail.com

The Foreign Based Students Of Indian Nation Foreign National Students should send their applications for Admission as Registered Students of the Institute to the Eastern Indian Regional Council only. Subsequent to his/her initial Registration with any Regional Council of the Institute, if a Student changes his/her address to outside India, he/she shall be required to enroll for Postal Tuition under the same Regional Council so that appropriate track record of the Student's progress can be maintained in the Regional Council itself. Such category of registered students shall also be required to remit additional postal charges to the extent of Rs.960/- per stage or equivalent thereto for sending Study Materials and return of assessed Answer Scripts to them.