GST Notice (Under Section 73)

Sangeetha (Student) (12 Points)

13 February 2025  

This Person Dealing in Supply of Taxable Goods. They are Registered in GST Since 2017-18 ,From then they are filling only exempted supply and not Availing any ITC. In 2024 they have Received a notice for FY 2020-2021 form Department Stating that. 
"Your Purchase Reflected in GSTR2A Seems Taxable at the Rate of 12% and 18%, How come you have only filed Exempted Sales of 10,30,562.
 Now the Department is demanding Tax on 10,30,562 at 18% , Now the person does not have any ITC Balance in their Electronic Credit Ledger,Since they did not availed any ITC at All.

In this case what can we do, Please Advice.